
How is the Supervision Mechanism of Product Halal Assurance?

The Halal Assurance System (HAS) is the main requirement for the halal certification process for a product. LPH LPPOM MUI is a pioneer that has implemented this system 32 years ago. 

Companies are required to meet 11 SJH criteria to obtain halal certificates for their products. All criteria are an inseparable unit to ensure the company continues to maintain the halalness of its products. 

Executive Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Sc. explained that SJH is an integrated management system that is compiled, implemented, and maintained to regulate materials, production processes, products, human resources, and procedures in order to maintain the sustainability of the halal production process in accordance with the requirements of LPPOM MUI. 

“One of the keys to the success of halal certification is that business actors understand the ins and outs of SJH. If it is understood, then business actors will easily prepare a list of ingredients, and all the ingredients used are guaranteed to be halal. Meanwhile, from the consumer side, SJH is important to convince the public that the product is consistently halal during the validity period of the halal certificate so that it can provide peace of mind when consuming halal products,” explained Muti. 

One of the criteria for SJH is the company’s obligation to appoint an internal auditor, namely an auditor from the company in charge of monitoring and reporting the progress of the company’s SJH implementation to LPPOM MUI. 

During the audit, LPPOM MUI also verified the implementation of SJH. If the implementation of the system does not run according to the established requirements, the company is asked to improve the system before the certification process continues. 

With regard to the replacement of materials or suppliers/producers of materials or the addition of products or the addition of production facilities during the validity of the halal certificate, they are required to register first with LPPOM MUI for approval before being applied. 

This obligation is one of the requirements that must be complied with by the company and they must write it down in the new material selection procedure, new product development procedure, or new facility development. 

These procedures are the object of the LPPOM MUI halal auditor’s assessment during the examination or audit of the company concerned. If these procedures are not yet available and there is no guarantee of their implementation, then a halal certificate will not be issued. 

After the issuance of the halal certificate, LPPOM MUI also conducts sudden inspections of the company or conducts surveillance audits. If there are findings that can change the halal status, then LPPOM MUI will take action. In addition, to monitor the implementation of SJH in the company, the company is required to provide a report every six months to LPPOM MUI so that any changes will be known. (YN)

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