
How to be a ‘Halal Slaughterer’?

The Halal Slaughterer (juleha) plays a very important role in determining whether or not the meat is halal. In order to support the professionalism of juleha to be able to compete both at home and abroad, the Ministry of Agriculture has compiled the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) in the agricultural sector for the field of halal animal slaughter.

This is stated in the Decree of the Minister of Manpower and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia Number 196 of 2014 concerning the Stipulation of SKKNI for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Categories of Main Categories of Animal Husbandry Support Services in the Sector of Halal Animal Slaughter. 

A halal slaughterer must have 13 competency units. The competency is divided into two broad categories, namely professional development and management of slaughter. 

Included in professional development are: performing compulsory worship, applying the requirements of Islamic law, implementing occupational health and safety, conducting effective communication, coordinating work, implementing sanitary hygiene, and applying the principles of animal welfare. 

Meanwhile, what includes the management of slaughter, including: preparing slaughter equipment, carrying out physical examination of animals, determining animal readiness for slaughter, applying animal slaughter techniques, checking the feasibility of the slaughter process, and determining the status of animal death. 

These six competencies require special skills. In the competency of preparing slaughter equipment, participants must be able to identify each type of tool used. A knife, for example. Participants must be able to recognize the type, clean, hone, and store it. 

In the competence of carrying out a physical examination of animals, participants must be able to determine the suitability of animals for slaughter according to the requirements in Islam. Then, participants must be able to determine the readiness of the animal for slaughter. This relates to the position of the animal when it is slaughtered and the determination of the knife incision. In this competency, participants are required to understand the anatomy of the neck of the animal to be slaughtered. 

Being competent in applying animal slaughtering techniques is what most determines the permitted meat. Participants must be able to carry out every stage of slaughter accurately, starting from positioning the animal when it is slaughtered, reciting the word Allah before slaughtering, to using a knife. 

At last but not least, the participants must be able to check the appropriateness of the slaughter process, such as identifying the incision to checking the bleeding process. Finally, participants must be able to determine the death status of the animal by examining certain organs, such as the eyes, respiratory organs and neck blood vessels. (*)

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