direksi lppom


Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si

President Director of LPPOM MUI
Received a Bachelor's degree (S1) in the Field of Food Technology & Nutrition IPB University on 1992, Postgraduate (S2) in the Field of Food Science, IPB University in 1999; previously was a Board Member of LPPOM MUI (1998 – 2006), Head of Certification Division & Halal Assurance System (SJH) (2006 – 2009), Head of Auditing Division of LPPOM MUI (2009 – 2010), Member of the Halal Industrial Area Team in Collaboration of LPPOM MUI with the Ministry Industry (2014), Deputy Director of LPPOM MUI (2010 – 2020), Member of the Preparation Team SKKNI Halal Supervisor (2016), Member of the Halal Auditor SKKNI Compilation Team (2019); active as Halal Auditor (since 1994), Secretary of the Technical Commission at the World Halal Food Council/ WHFC (since 2012), Member of the SNI Halal Food Committee (since 2020), Member of the Council LSP Director (since 2019); appointed as Executive Director of LPPOM MUI in 2020-2022.

Ir. Sumunar Jati, M.P

Director of Strategy and Operations of LPPOM MUI
Obtained Bachelor degree (S1) Department of Agricultural Industrial Technology, Faculty IPB University Agricultural Technology, Postgraduate (S2) Small Industry Professional Masters Intermediate, IPB University; previously as a Deputy Director, in charge of Halal Standard, Information and Communication Technology, Halal Laboratory, Human Capital, and Corporate Affair LPPOM MUI (2011 – 2020), Director of Operations, oversees the field of Human Capital, General Affair, Information and Communication Technology and Corporate Affair LPPOM MUI (2020 – 2022); Training in ISO 17065, ISO 17067, and ISO 17024; Leading the development of CEROL and ERP; appointed as Director of Strategy and Operations, in charge of Human Capital, Strategic Management Office (SMO), Laboratory LPPOM MUI, and Operations Department of LPPOM MUI in 2020; appointed as Director of Operations in 2020-2022.

Dr. Ir. Muslich, M.Si

Halal Partnership and Audit Services Director LPPOM MUI
Obtained Bachelor (S1), Postgraduate (S2), and Doctoral (S3) degrees at IPB University; previously worked in several private companies (1991 – 1993), Center Manager Development of Agriculture and Agro-industry PT TELKOM WITEL IX Jayapura (1993 – 1994), Head of LPPOM MUI Halal Assurance System (2010 – 2015), Head of QA and LPPOM MUI Standard (2015 – 2019), LPPOM MUI Senior Advisor (2020), Team Leader development of MUI halal certification requirements HAS 23 000 (2010 – 2011); active as Lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University (since 1994), Halal Auditor (since 1995), Member of the Standard Formulation Technical Committee Halal Management System (SNI 99 001), Halal Poultry Slaughterhouse (SNI 99 002), Home Cut Halal Rumination (SNI 99 003), Halal Food (SNI 99 004) Standardization Agency National (since 2015), Head of the SKKNI Supervisor competency test device development team Halal & SKKNI Halal Auditor (since 2017), National Certification Agency Competency Assessor Profession (BNSP) (since 2015), Competency Assessor for Food Safety, Institution Professional Certification (LSP) Food Quality Assurance and Safety (JMKP) (since 2015); appointed as Director of Halal Cooperation and Audit Services of LPPOM MUI in 2020-2022.

H. Misbahul Ulum, M.Si

Director of Finance LPPOM MUI
Earned a Postgraduate Degree (S2) in the Postgraduate Program at the University of Indonesia; previously Secretary to the Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Doha, Qatar (2007), Head of Corporate Affairs Bank Mega Syariah (2010-2016), Member of the Audit Committee and Risk Monitoring Committee Bank Mega Syariah (2015-2020), Deputy Secretary General of the Indonesian Ulema Council (2015 – 2020), Secretary of the Supervisory Board of LPPOM MUI (2015 – 2020); appointed as LPPOM MUI Finance Director in 2020.