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  • Come on, Join the Halal Webinar by LPPOM MUI!

Is it true that halal has become a platform for the kindness movement carried by Muslim world, especially Indonesia?

How about Halal Life Style in the midst of a COVID-19 pandemic?

The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) invites the entire community, especially Millennials, to take part in a free webinar. There are two webinars that LPPOM MUI will hold together with the IAMUSLIM and Unity Student for Halal Cares (IMAPELA) communities in the near future.

First, webinar “Talks About Halal” yang akan diselenggarakan pada Sabtu, 9 Mei 2020, pukul 13.00 WIB sampai selesai melalui aplikasi Zoom Cloud Meeting.

Appearing as performers, Nadia Lutfi Masduki (Promotion and Education Manager of LPPOM MUI) and Annisa Pratiwi Iskandar (Director of @ IAMuslim.co, NET TV Journalist, Muslim Travelers and Halal Living Program 2013-2019). Register yourself immediately here.

Second, the webinar “Speak Halal with the Mayor of Bogor” which will be held on Sunday, May 10, 2020, at 14.00-15.00 WIB through the Zoom Cloud Meeting application. The program raised the theme “Tips for Maintaining Healthy and Halal Lifestyles During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Bogor City.”

Appearing as the performer, Ms. Yane Ardian (Chairman of the Bogor City Activator Team for Family Welfare Education (TP PKK)). And, as the host / moderator, Yusdianti Febriani (Education and Community Development Officer of LPPOM MUI). Register yourself immediately here.

This event will add to your insight about the critical point of breaking the fast menu. You will also get information about the role of the media in providing halal education to the public. In addition, you will also get insights on how to maintain a halal lifestyle even during the COVID-19 pandemic. (*)

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