Guided by:

Dr. KH. Maulana Hasanuddin, M.A. (Deputy Chairman of The Central MUI Fatwa Commission)

Drs. H. Sholahudin Al-Aiyubi, M.Si. (Deputy Secretary of The Central MUI Fatwa Commission)


Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. 

One of our family affected HIV AIDS for a long time but have not recovered yet since the medicine is rare, even there is no proven cure for AIDS. However, we got information that suggests treating the disease by eating gecko. Many people believe that gecko can reduce the progression of this chronic disease.

Hence, is it allowed if we consume gecko for the sake of the health? 

Thank you for the explanation. Wal-hamdulillahi robbil ‘alamin.

Wassalamualaikum wr. wb.

Joni, Jakarta


According to Fiqhiyyah, the legal status of consuming gecko is a matter of Khilafiyah. The scholars have different opinion regarding the matter. There are scholars who legalize it, but some forbid. The scholars who legalize, they put forward the argument that everything that is forbidden by Allah and His Messenger has been explained all in the Koran and Hadith. Other than that, comes in the sense that everything that Allah created is for the benefit of mankind. Stated in the Koran “It is He who created for you all of that which is on the earth…” (QS. 2: 29). Therefore, if there is no law against it, then we may do consuming the gecko.

Even though some scholars legalize of consuming gecko, some of the scholars also prohibit to do so. They explained that gecko belong to “Khobaits”, means disgusting or dirty. Also, whether he is an animal that has fangs, and preys on, if it is a fanged animal, then it is haram for consumption. With regard to this question, it is necessary to carry out further studies by experts’ scientists in the field of animal affairs. 

Every phrase in the Al-Qur’an stated generally, thus there must always be a limit including gecko belong to the restricted or not needs to be studied further. Besides, deciding the animals can be consumed or not can be viewed from the side of “Thobi’ah As-Salimah“. That is, human instincts are good, will we be able to consume gecko, or not. Indeed, the category “Khobaits” or disgusting is subjective and very relative. The gecko probably disgusting for one person, or not to another. As a parameter of “Khobaits”, according to Imam Abu Hanifah, were animals commonly consumed by Arab aristocrats, if they did not want to consume it, then it was considered “Khobaits”.

Consuming gecko as a medicine must be implemented as an individual case. A lot of efforts to heal the disease have been done and the result is just vain. Consuming lizard as a medicine becomes the solution instead of letting the disease get worse. According to  Fiqhiyyah principles “Adh-dhoruratu tubiihul-mahdzurot” such condition is called the “Dhorurot”, or “Haajiyaat”.

If the Moslem Medical scholars have done research and trial to find the medicine but is not found yet, then the Dhorurot’s condition is understandable. Even though it is Dhorurot, consuming lizard is only for medicine. It is not allowed to be the usual consumptive, such as being made into Satay and even being eaten daily.

Related to this, it is also necessary to understand that there are differences of opinion (khilafiyah) among the scholars regarding the law of medical treatment (at-tadaawi / al-mudaawah) with unclean and haram objects. Scholars who forbid such as Ibn Qayyim Al-Jauziyyah. It is stated in the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad: “Surely Allah has not made medicine for you on anything that Allah has forbidden on you.” (Narrated by Bukhari and Baihaqi). In another hadith, the Messenger of Allah also said, “Verily Allah sends down disease and medicine, and makes every disease have a cure. Seeking for treatment is a must, and do not seek treatment with something that is haram.” (Narrated by Abu Dawud). However, there is also an opinion that temporarily permits the use of drugs from unlawful ingredients. But this ability is limited only in emergencies, as Yusuf Al-Qaradhawi argues. As has also been explained above.

However, we should remind and suggest to take or consume halal medicine. Do not do anything that carries the risk of danger, or whose legal status is not clear (doubtful) since consuming halal is a religious must followed command.

In addition, the aspects of danger and benefit must be based on evidence proven by medical scientific research that can be justified medically-clinically, it reminds us the verse of the Holy Qur’an: “…ask the people of the message if you do not know.” (QS. 16:43). The similar meaning is also repeated in Sura Al-Anbiyaa ‘(21) verse: 7. This indicates the importance of science in our lives. (USM)

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