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  • Halal bi Halal LPPOM MUI 1441 H Welcomes the New Normal Era

Bogor – The Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has an impact not only on Indonesia, but the world. Now, all parties and orders are starting to be invited to enter the new normal era. One of them is the Institute for the Study of Food, Medicines, and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) which must also adapt to this.

For the first time LPPOM MUI held a Halal bi Halal LPPOM MUI 1441 H with the theme Modified on Zoom Silaturahim Eid Al Mubarak (Moszarela) which was carried out virtually. This is in accordance with the conditions of the new normal era. Present at this event was the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. DR.. (HC) KH. Ma'ruf Amin and Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, H. Zainut Tauhid Sa'adi, M.Si.

In addition, the Secretary General of the MUI, Dr. H. Anwar Abbas, MM, M.Ag; Mui Deputy Secretary General for Fatwas, Drs. H. Sholahudin Al-Ayubi, M.Si.; as well as the entire Supervisory Board, Directors and extended family of LPPOM MUI Central and Provincial.

Ma'ruf Amin expressed his gratitude for the efforts of LPPOM MUI which has contributed to strengthening halal certification in the world, especially Indonesia. He reminded that the main purpose of halal certification is to keep people from consuming non-kosher foods and drinks.

"The efforts we have made are international. We are the ones who are starting to combine the fatwas of scholars with research, between fatwas and audits. That is what makes the world's halal certification institutions, if you want to obtain MUI recognition, you must have two things, namely audit institutions and scholars," said Ma'ruf Amin.

He continued, for world halal institutions that do not yet have fatwa institutions, the fatwas can be transferred to the MUI. In addition, the HALAL CERTIFICATION STANDARD OF LPPOM MUI has also gone global. This is because foreign halal certification bodies need to adopt the LPPOM MUI standard so that they can be recognized by the MUI. Now, there are 45 world halal certification bodies that follow mui standards.

"This means that we have spread the workings and efforts of halal certification into a global system. This becomes the sunnah of hasanah, which is rewarded with merit until the end of the world, as long as the halal certification system is enforced in this world," said Ma'ruf Amin.

He added, the next task is to encourage the halal industry in Indonesia, because the potential is great. Unfortunately, until now, the largest halal producers are still bagged by Brazil, then Australia. Ma'ruf Amin hopes that this virtual meeting in the LPPOM MUI Halal bi Halal forum will strengthen brotherhood and strengthen the spirit in building the community and application of sharia in the lives of the Indonesian people and nation.

On the same occasion, Dr. Ir. Lukmanul Hakim, M.Si. reminded the importance of the spirit to continue to fight in the halal sector. LPPOM MUI, which has existed for 31 years, was present at the request of the government and the community due to the absence of halal-related devices and infrastructure.

"This means that the presence of LPPOM MUI is the desired presence at that time. We will continue this in the new normal period later," said Lukmanul.

LPPOM MUI will continue to carry out its role as khadimul ulama and khadimul ummah. LPPOM MUI as a scholarly khadimul in terms of providing scientific information to then become the basis for issuing fatwas. LPPOM MUI also acts as a khadimul ummah which plays a role in socializing the importance of halal consumption to the public.

In this regard, LPPOM MUI continues to make various efforts. One of them is to develop the Cerol-SS23000 since 8 years ago. This is an online system that has become an icon of LPPOM MUI and has been followed by several countries.

"The Cerol-SS23000 is expected to be a model in regulation. In addition, hopefully what LPPOM MUI has done for 31 years can be continued accompanied by a spirit that continues to strengthen," said Lukmanul.

Meanwhile, Zainut reminded again the importance of LPPOM MUI to adapt in the midst of current conditions, especially related to the implementation of the Halal Product Guarantee Law.

The adaptation includes aligning the stages of halal certification that has been carried out by LPPOM MUI; adjustment of organizational, personnel and institutional structures; and collaborating with new institutions that have emerged as implications of the implementation of the JPH Law.

"In facing these challenges, it is LPPOM MUI who already has a long experience in the halal world. I believe LPPOM MUI can pass easily and can still be at the forefront," concluded Zainut. (YN)

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