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  • MUI Fatwa as Ilzam Syar’i and Ilzam Tanfidzi

By: Prof. DR. (HC) KH. Ma’ruf Amin

Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia

As a community institution that was born by ulama, zuama and Muslim scholars, grew up among Muslims, the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) carried the mandate as well as missions including Khidmatul-Ummah and Ri’ayatul-Ummah. Namely serving and protecting Muslims with Islamic guidance. 

Mr. Prof. DR. (HC) KH. Ma’ruf Amin, Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia said that, the function of Ri’ayatul-Ummah was carried out by making and stipulating fatwas, taushiyah, recommendations and appeals to Muslims, in particular, and various parties and communities, as well as individuals, including government agencies, to run in accordance with Sharia rules. As an applicative embodiment of the first principle of Pancasila which is the foundation and philosophy of national and state life.

Iltizam Syar’i and Iltizam Tanfidzi

In sharia principles, the fatwa as Iltizam Syar’i, means sharia binding for Muslims. However, there are also various MUI products in the form of fatwas and various recommendations which then function as Iltizam Tanfidzi. That is a reference even implemented in the formulation of government regulations formally, such as Presidential Decrees, Ministerial Decrees, and various regional regulations. 

Among the concrete forms are the laws and regulations concerning hajj, zakat and waqf, Islamic economics and finance, Islamic banking, Islamic insurance. Also includes provisions regarding istitho’ah or the ability in terms of health for prospective pilgrims, etc. Even the Government has also formed a special institution National Islamic Finance Committee (KNEKS). So that it is expected to make Indonesia a global hub of global Islamic finance.

Implementation of JPH Act

Next again, the community leader who is now the Vice President explained the latest developments on the function of the Fatwa and MUI Recommendations as Iltizam Tanfidzi in the form of the Halal Product Assurance Act (JPH Act) along with government regulations as its implementation. Such as the provisions regarding accreditation in the establishment of the Halal Inspection Agency (LPH), the evaluation of shar’i aspects in the competence of halal auditors, and of course also the establishment of halal fatwas for consumption products; foods, drinks, cosmetics and medicines, as well as used goods.

Previously, the MUI Fatwa Commission National Coordination Meeting was held. The program specifically raised three main agendas. Namely the unification or unification of the latest fatwa determination format, socialization and coordination of the latest fatwa, especially related to halal product standards, and finally, regarding fatwa governance related to the implementation of the Halal Product assurance Act in Government Regulations signed by the President some time ago. 

With the surfacing reality, because it involves the lives of the wider community, the MUI is always open to various inputs and even constructive criticism. So that people’s lives in general, and Muslims in particular, can continue to improve for the better and better. (USM)

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