“And for all religion We had appointed a rite [of sacrifice] that they may mention the name of Allah over what He has provided for them [sacrificial] animal. For your god is one God, so to Him submit. And, [O Muhammmad], give good tidings to the humble [before their Lord].” (QS. Al-Haj verse 34)

The 2019 corona virus disease (COVID-19) pandemic has not stopped. Even so, the Eid al-Adha celebration must still be done. This is in accordance with the decrees of Allah SWT. Therefore, the qurbani process in this pandemic needs serious attention.

Drh. Supratikno, M.Sc., PAVet, Lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) who is also part of the Centre for Halal Studies of IPB said that in this year’s qurbani process, all parties involved need to apply health protocols. This was conveyed in the webinar of Handling and Slaughtering Sacrificial Animals in the New Normal Period some time ago.

“There are at least two parts in the implementation of the sacrifice that must pay attention to the health protocol, namely the health protocol at the place where the sacrificial animals are sold and when the sacrificial animals are being slaughtered,” said Supratikno.

Several protocols that must be implemented and observed at the place where sacrificial animals are sold include:

1.     Animal sellers only sell animals that comply with Sharia.

2.     Selling sacrificial animals online and coordinated by the sacrificial committee or the Mosque Prosperity Council (DKM).

3.     If the sale is made on the spot:

a.     The place for selling sacrificial animals must meet technical administrative requirements;

b.     Seller and buyer are in good health;

c.     Provision of means of washing hands using running water;

d.     Applying personal hygiene: wash hands frequently, especially after touching animals or surfaces,

e.     Applying physical distancing: avoiding physical contact, adjusting distances with and between slaughterers;

f.      Sellers and buyers of sacrificial animals use masks;

g.     Attempted transactions with electronic money;

h.     Security by related agencies (health service and livestock service).

Health protocols must also be applied when slaughtering sacrificial animals takes place. This includes:

  1. Provision of means of washing hands with soap and running water at the slaughterhouses (TPH).
  2. Slaughter officers are in good health.
  3. The number of officers per TPH is limited and avoids physical contact.
  4. Officers wear long sleeves and personal protective equipment, at least masks, protective glasses and gloves.
  5. Wash your hands with soap before and after slaughtering animals.
  6. After slaughtering the sacrificial animals, so immediately take a shower and change clothes.
  7. The procession of slaughtering sacrificial animals is only attended by the animal slaughter committee.
  8. Animal owners do not need to be present to witness the slaughter of animals.

“If the owner of the animal is allowed to watch, then the owner of the sacrificial animal must be in a healthy condition and apply health protocols, such as wearing a mask, avoiding physical contact, applying physical distancing, arriving home immediately taking a shower and changing clothes,” said Supratikno.

He also suggested that the distribution of sacrificial meat be delivered to residents’ homes. In addition, it is hoped that only the committee and the owner of the sacrifice will witness the slaughtering process. This is to avoid the crowd. (YN)

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