
Why Logistics Services Need Halal Certification?

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  • Why Logistics Services Need Halal Certification?

Logistics services are included in the category required to carry out halal certification based on Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning the Halal Products Assurance Act (UU JPH). This was conveyed by the Marketing and Networking Manager of LPPOM MUI, Cucu Rina Purwaningrum, in a webinar with the theme “Halal Logistics: Fulfilling Consumer Expectations and Compliance with Regulations,” which was held by LPPOM MUI on August 3 2023.

Logistics is a part of the supply chain that manages the flow of goods (including money and information) through procurement, transportation, storage, distribution, and delivery. According to Cucu, there are several critical halal points in logistics services.

Firstprocurement relates to the potential for goods ordered/purchased not following the list of halal ingredients. Secondacceptance of goods is associated with the possibility of goods received by the list of halal materials. Thirdstorage connects to the potential for contamination of halal materials during handling and storage. Fourthdistribution and transportation are related to the potential for contamination of halal materials during distribution.

“Therefore, a logistics service must be able to keep products halal or uncontaminated during the handling, storage, and distribution processes. So that a product can be confirmed as halal from the entire supply chain involved,” Cucu explained.

Unfortunately, many business actors, especially in logistics services, are still unaware of the obligation of halal certification. So, various parties need synergy to educate logistics service business actors regarding halal certification. This includes procedures and requirements for halal certification, easy ways to process halal certification, halal regulations, and how to meet the criteria for halal certification.

LPPOM MUI continues to encourage the government’s efforts to realize mandatory halal food and beverage categories on October 17, 2024. Not only through education for business actors. LPPOM MUI also has several programs to make it easier for business actors to carry out halal certification. They are starting from the existence of a Halal Partner as a partner for business actors in halal certification to the facility of an online halal certification system (CEROL-SS23000), which has been carried out for a long time. All improvements and innovations carried out by LPPOM MUI are solely to make it easier for business actors to carry out halal certification. (YN)

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