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  • Vice President of MUI: Obligations to Keep Fitrah with Halal Consumption

Bogor — “Halal Bi Halal is a moment of togetherness for us as well as a tadzkirah or a reminder to return as a pure human. The characteristics and efforts to maintain the sanctity of human nature are to consume products that are guaranteed halal,” said Drs. H.   Zainut   Tawhid   Sa’adi, M.Sc., in his remarks at the LPPOM MUI Big Family Halal Bi Halal event, which was held on June 15, 2019 at the Global Halal Center, Bogor.

The Deputy General Chair of the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) added that consuming halal food and beverages was an obligation that God had commanded firmly in the Quran. Then he quotes the verse which means:  “All men, eat the lawful things better than what is on the earth, and do not follow the steps of shaitan; for truly the shaitan is a real enemy to you. Surely the shaitan only tells you to do evil and evil, and say to Allah what you do not know. “ (Surat al-Baqarah, 2: 168-169).

Appreciation for LPPOM MUI

The MUI leaders highly appreciated the efforts made by LPPOM MUI in ensuring the halal products marketed in Indonesia, by developing a system and process for halal certification which continues today.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the LPPOM MUI explained, as a pioneer of halal product certification, LPPOM MUI has been recognized for its existence both at home and abroad. The Halal Standard “HAS 23000” has been implemented in Indonesia and has also been adopted by more than 50 halal certification institutions abroad. Besides applying “HAS 23000” foreign halal certification institutions also requested recognition from the MUI.  

Even, LPPOM MUI has also received appreciation from institutions that have national and international authorities. Among other things by obtaining the National Accreditation Committee certification (KAN), in the form of an SNI ISO IEC 17065: 2012 accreditation certificate as a Halal Certification Agency. Then also succeeded in achieving the KAN certificate with the addition of the scope of the Slaughterhouse (RPH) and the scope of the scheme of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) S.2055-2.2016.

For 30 years LPPOM MUI, besides guaranteeing the halal product, also has the role of supporting and disseminating information on halal products in Indonesia. And after the inauguration of the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH) mandated in Law No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (JPH), LPPOM MUI must prepare everything to play a new role given by the Government. LPPOM MUI as a halal examining institution needs to establish advance steps in the transition period, by making adjustments in accordance with the provisions of legislation.

While the President of LPPOM MUI, Dr. Ir. Lukmanul Hakim, M.Sc., said that the development of halal certification institutions as we witness them today is inseparable from the historical record that has been inscribed by the leaders of halal leaders who have laid the foundations of halal certification which is now implemented by LPPOM MUI. Among them is the late Prof. Dr. Amin Aziz, Prof. Dr. Hj. Aisyah Girindra, Prof. Dr. Aziz Dervish, and other figures. With the institutional development that we feel, this will become a charity for them and we all continue this halal engagement.

Strategic Role

He explained, LPPOM MUI now has been able to play a very strategic role and is recognized by the community, not only nationally, but also internationally. Because halal consumption is a basic need for Muslims. Even as a top choice for non-Muslims. So clearly halal certification is needed to ensure the halal products to be consumed.

“Therefore, we must maintain this trust with commitment and consistency. So that people can consume products that are guaranteed halal, with the halal certification process by LPPOM MUI and the stipulation of their fatwa by the MUI Fatwa Commission,” he stressed.  

Furthermore, the head of the LPPOM MUI stated, “By maintaining professional trust, LPPOM MUI has also been accredited with ISO 17065; 2012, for the scope of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This means that LPPOM MUI has additional scope, and has a total scope of accreditation of 15 categories based on UAE standards 2055: 2-2016. Thus, the MUI Halal Certificate is a certificate received for export to the Middle East and Arab countries in the UAE Scheme.”

This ISO trust and certificate is very important, because if Indonesian products are going to be exported to the United Arab Emirates, which now requires halal, it will only be allowed if there is an attachment of Halal Certificate from MUI, with halal certification process by LPPOM MUI.

The Only Laboratory Halal That Has Been Accredited

“In addition, our laboratory within the halal scope has also been accredited. This is the only lab in halal scope in Indonesia, even in the world, which has been officially accredited by an institution that has the authority to do so,” he added.

With the various tools that have been developed, LPPOM MUI is very ready to face further developments regarding the enactment of the JPH Law by the government. The enactment of the JPH Law itself was announced to begin at the end of 2019, or five years after the Law was passed by the government, in accordance with the mandate stated in the Law. (Usm)

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