
To Run a Smoothly Halal Certification 

Agar Sertifikasi Halal Berjalan Lancar

Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si (President Director of LPPOM)


Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.  

According to the government constitution, producers who market their products in Indonesia must first have a halal certificate. We are meant to manage the halal certificate for some of the products we sell. 

To ensure the halal inspection of the products we propose runs smoothly, please provide us with information and an explanation of what we should prepare to make the halal certification run smoothly. 

That’s our question. Thank you for the answer and explanation.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.  

Fitriani Hanifa  

Aceh Singkil

Nangroe Aceh Darussalam


Alaikumsalam Wr. Wb.  

We respect Ms. Fitriani. Thank you for your question and interest in managing the halal certificate for the products you will sell. Before answering your question, we can explain that following Constitution Number 33 Year 2014 and Government Law Number 39 Year 2021, it is confirmed that products entered, circulated, and marketed in the Indonesia region must be halal certified. 

The provision of must-halal certification is made gradually, starting with must-halal certification for food and beverage products by 17 October 2024. It would be excellent if you could manage the halal certification immediately. 

So, what should you do to ensure the smooth running of the halal certification process? As you know, one factor that causes the process to go awry is the insufficient completeness of the required documents during document inspection.

Insufficient preparation can be caused by businesspeople’s ignorance of what they need to prepare before proposing halal certification. Because of that, it’s recommended that they look at a lot of information about what they need to prepare before submitting the halal certification. 

On the other hand, as the Halal Inspection Body (LPH)with the government and the different stakeholders, we are also working on overcoming the potential obstacles that increase the halal certification process, especially for animal raw material products. 

One of them is to do the halal certification for the managers of Slaughterhouses (RPH) and Poultry Slaughterhouses (RPU). This needs to be done considering that meat is a critical point ingredient of prohibition (haram), which is relatively high. By providing meat that is halal certified, it is hoped that businesspeople can more easily obtain raw materials that are guaranteed to be halal.

Related to the halal certification registration, there are two mechanisms that businesspeople can use to obtain the halal certificate: the regular way and self-declaration. 

To obtain halal certification through self-declaration, before online registering the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH), businesspeople must fulfill some of the conditions, which are: the products are not risky or using the materials that can be ensured are halal, the production process ensures the halal and simple, have a business registration number (NIB) and have a location, place, and Halal Product Process (PPH) devices that are separated with the location, place and non-halal products process devices. (continue read in Halal Journal edition 163). 

Some requirements need to be fulfilled in the halal certification process regularly, such as:

  1. Businesspeople’s Data

Businesspeople must have a business registration number (NIB) that functions to obtain the business permit and commercial or operational permit.  

  1. Name and type of products

The name and products submitted must be under the name and type of products registered. The products and ingredient data used must be halal guaranteed and proven by halal certificates. If the materials come from nature and don’t go through the processing process, it doesn’t need to use the halal certificates. Those materials are included in non-risky haram-containing products. 

  1. Product processing process

 Documents submitted to BPJPH for filing the halal certification contain information such as the way of purchasing, receiving, storage, packaging, and finished product storage. This is important because the processing process sometimes does not pay enough attention, which can cause a product to be non-halal.

Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH)

This JPH system is an authority of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Body (BPJPH). JPH, in this case, is legal certainty regarding the halal status of a product as proven by a Halal Certificate.

After all of the conditions are fulfilled, further businesspeople submit an application for halal certification to BPJPH by accessing ptsp, Furthermore, BPJPH will check the completeness of the documents and determine a halal inspection body (LPH) that will do the audit, test the halal of the products, and report the results to the MUI Fatwa Commission. Based on the halal provision from MUI and later, BPJPH will publish the halal certificate. 

That’s all our explanation. Hopefully, it can answer your question. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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