
Holiday Tips and Alternatives during Pandemic

Holiday season coming up. Perhaps many of you want to take a moment to rest your mind and body from all forms of daily activities, such as working, attending school, or taking care of the household. All alternative forms of vacation can be lived.

During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we should take a vacation at home. You and your family can still do many exciting activities at home, starting from farming, cooking, decorating the house, paintings with children, sorting out items that can be donated, watching movies together, or doing other hobbies.

However, if you choose to vacation outdoors, then it is important always take care of health. Here, we review some tips for going on vacation during the pandemic, especially for those of you who choose to vacation outdoors. Let’s check out the following review.

1.     Make Sure of Your Healthy

When planning to take a vacation, make sure the body is in good health. The risk of developing COVID-19 infection will increase as immunity decreases. Therefore, it is important to conduct a medical examination before vacation, such as a rapid test or swab test.

2.     Follow 3M Protocol

One way to protect yourself from COVID-19 is to implement the 3M protocol, namely wearing a mask, keeping your distance, and washing your hands regularly. Do not ignore hand hygiene in the middle of a pandemic. Wash your hands for at least 20-30 seconds. Use soap and water or hand sanitizer with at least 60 percent of alcohol. 

3.     Always Bring Hygiene Kits, Medicines, and Vitamins

Hygiene kits are the main weapons that must be carried anywhere while traveling. None other than this is to always maintain cleanliness and personal health. Some things that need to be included in hygiene kits include hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray, wet wipes, dry wipes, liquid soap, and some spare masks.

In addition, it is also important to prepare some basic medicines and vitamins in your travel bag and make sure the vacation area is close to health access, such as hospitals, 24-hour clinics, pharmacies, or health centres. 

4.     Stay Away from Crowds 

It might be difficult to avoid this one tip. Usually, tourist’s destinations during long holidays will be filled with tourists. However, as much as possible avoid the crowd. Usually, holiday destinations that implement health protocols will limit the number of visitors. If the health protocol is “loose”, consider choosing other, safer options for travel destinations. 

5.   Choose Open Area (Outdoor)

The open area (outdoor) is one of the recommendations worth trying. Air circulation in open areas is much better. You can go to areas that offer natural scenery and atmosphere, such as in mountains, beaches, or other natural attractions. 

6.     Make Sure It’s Not the Red Zone

Make sure the destination or tourist destination does not in the red zone. You can find information about which zones are relatively safe by asking the relevant parties, e.g., the COVID-19 hotline at number 119. 

7.   Bring Food from Home

It is important for us to pay attention to the cleanliness of food, and therefore, as much as possible bring food or cutlery (spoons, forks, straws, drinking bottles) from home. Try not to visit restaurants filled with visitors. Alternatively, you can choose a drive-thru, delivery, or take-away service.

8.   Beware of Objects that Might Be Contaminated

These tips are very important. Viral contaminants occur a lot due to contact with objects in public places. One of them is public transportation, such as planes, trains, or buses. Therefore, make sure you clean up the areas you may touch first. For example, armrest, tray (where to serve food), overhead ventilation, screen media, and other things. You can spray a little disinfectant that you bring, then wipe it with tissue.

You can also use a debit card or e-money to make payment transactions. In addition, bring prayer equipment (prayer mats and mukena) from home. This can minimize contact with public goods.




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