
Strengthening the National Quality Infrastructure, SNSU BSN Supports the Development of Calibration Testing at the LPPOM MUI Laboratory

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  • Strengthening the National Quality Infrastructure, SNSU BSN Supports the Development of Calibration Testing at the LPPOM MUI Laboratory

In order to strengthen the national quality infrastructure, the Deputy of the National Standards Unit of Measure (SNSU) of the National Standardization Agency (BSN) received an audience from the Laboratory for the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) Calibration Laboratory Division on Thursday (13/7) /2023) at the BSN SNSU Building, Serpong.

In this audience, the Deputy of SNSU BSN, Y. Kristianto Widiwardono was accompanied by the Director of SNSU Thermoelectricity and Chemistry, Ghufron Zaid; SNSU Director of Mechanics, Radiation and Biology, Wahyu Purbowasito; as well as accompanied by the Heads of the Working Team at the SNSU BSN deputies. The representatives from the LPPOM MUI Laboratory are the Supervisor of the LPPOM MUI Laboratory Expert, Priyo Wahyudi; Assistant Manager of the Calibration Division, Muhammad Adrian; and Calibration Specialist, Upik Khoirunnisa.

“As the National Metrology Institute (NMI), SNSU BSN must have the highest metrology capabilities in Indonesia, so that measurements in Indonesia can be traced through SNSU and finally traced to International,” said Kristianto in his speech.

Priyo said that currently, LPPOM MUI is listed as one of the halal inspection agencies in Indonesia. However, LPPOM MUI is developing a calibration laboratory division besides conducting tests. “We initiated a calibration laboratory division because testing requires calibration,” explained Priyo.

Priyo hopes that the synergy with SNSU BSN can run sustainably. “Of course, guidance from SNSU BSN will support our efforts to ensure that our tests are carried out with calibrated equipment and support us in providing calibration services to other testing laboratories,” he said.

Meanwhile, Audrian explained that the LPPOM MUI Laboratory of the Calibration Laboratory Division plans to develop 40 scopes of calibration services. The scope of calibration being developed consists of the sectors of temperature, temperature and humidity, mass, volume, pressure, time and frequency, dimensions, and analytical instruments. “Our target is that by mid-2024, we have received accreditation as a calibration laboratory,” hoped Audrian.

On this occasion, the Director of SNSU Thermoelectric and Chemical, Ghufron Zaid, explained the measurement traceability process in Indonesia. He also welcomed the planned development of the LPPOM MUI Laboratory of the Calibration Laboratory Division.

“Indeed, in managing the highest standards in Indonesia, SNSU BSN also organizes calibration. However, SNSU BSN can’t serve all end users in Indonesia directly. For this reason, we welcome the development of the LPPOM MUI Laboratory of the Calibration Laboratory Division. Please later want to contribute at level 1 or level 2, according to your abilities,” he concluded.

This audience was followed by visits to laboratories owned by SNSU BSN, including length, temperature, mass, biology, and chemistry laboratories. It is hoped that the synergy between the BSN SNSU and the LPPOM MUI Laboratory of the Calibration Laboratory Division can be strong in order to support measurement traceability in Indonesia. (ald-Humas)

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