
Strengthening the Literacy of Halal Da'wah Cadres, LPPOM MUI Held a TOT

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  • Strengthening the Literacy of Halal Da'wah Cadres, LPPOM MUI Held a TOT

Every Muslim consumer has the right to get the products he consumes have been guaranteed halalness. Therefore, halal proselytizing cadres have a central role to arouse the consumer's halal awareness.

So Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si, President Director of LPPOM MUI delivered her remarks at the Halal Da'wah Cadre Training of Trainers (TOT) at the Global Halal Center Building, Bogor on May 21, 2022. This activity was held in a hybrid manner which was attended by 32 offline participants and 292 online participants from various halal care communities, such as Chef Halal Indonesia, My Halal Kitchen, Haiper Community, Frozen Food Indonesia, Jakpreneur, and so on.

Among the participants, there are also several halal influencers who have shown concern for halal issues through their social media accounts, such as the owner of the instagram account @aishamaharani (owner @halalcorner),, @linctraveller, @rikaekawati, and The cadres of halal proselytizing are expected to become agents of socialization and education to care about halal to the Muslim community.

On this occasion, the halal proselytizing cadres received various materials about halal certification. In detail, Muti explained the journey of halal product guarantee regulations since the beginning of LPPOM MUI was established as the only Halal Inspection Agency (LPH), to the current regulations. With this, proselytizing cadres are expected to have sensitivity or sensitivity to deviations that occur in society, related to the application of halal product guarantees.

"Halal regulations do provide space for members of the public to carry out their roles as supervisors. If there is a deviation, the proselytizing cadres are expected to take the initiative to complain about the irregularities to the authorities," explained Muti.

In addition, participants received material related to halal certification procedures and the implementation of the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH) delivered by the Halal Audit Quality Board of LPPOM MUI, Dr. Ir. Mulyorini Rahayuningsih, MS. Meanwhile, knowledge about the critical point of halalness of the material was conveyed by the Expert of Laboratory Service LPPOM MUI, Prof. Dr.. Purwatiningsih, MS.

Not just material, LPPOM MUI provides direct experience to ToT participants to check the halalness of useful goods, especially leather. The LPPOM MUI laboratory team showed the skin characteristics of pigs, cattle, and sheep. Some of the participants' useful items were also checked directly using a laboratory-owned miscroscope. Then participants are invited together to identify the source of the skin on the useful item.

As we know, useful goods derived from leather or other animal materials are included in products that are required to be halal certified. This is stated in the halal regulation, Government Regulation Number 39 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Halal Product Guarantee Field.

ToT Kader Dakwah Halal is a series of programs of the 1443 H Syawal Festival, which is an annual event of LPPOM MUI. The purpose of procuring the Halal Da'wah Cadre ToT is to provide briefings to the participants in socializing and educating their community members or the public in general.

In addition to the Halal Da'wah Cadre ToT, various other activities are also included in the series of Syawal 1443 H Festival which lasts for one month. Some of the activities include technical guidance to MSE actors, webinars related to halal certification, and facilitation of free halal certification to a number of MSEs throughout Indonesia.

Meanwhile, the peak of the event as well as the closing ceremony of the Syawal 1443 H Festival program will be held on June 9, 2022 by inviting several halal certification stakeholders from various institutions. (HU)

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