Halal Product Inspection

LPPOM MUI is a strategic partner for business actors in fulfilling the regulations of the government of the Indonesia Republic regarding halal product Assurance.

Halal certification for products to be marketed overseas (outside Indonesia)

Increase the value of your products and business in the global market with the MUI Halal Decree.

Halal Laboratory

Entrust your products testing to Laboratory that have been accredited ISO 17025.

Introduction of Halal Certification

Join together with LPPOM MUI and other business actors to learn how to provide halal products.

Halal Directory & Journal LPPOM MUI

Download our e-magazine

Jurnal Halal No.169/2024

Agar Pengembangan Wisata Halal Tidak Terganjal


Jurnal Halal No.168/2024

Rumah Potong Hewan Ujung Tombak Kehalalan Produk Pangan


Jurnal Halal No.167/2024

Jalan Terjal Menuju Ketersediaan Obat Halal


Jurnal Halal No.169/2024

Agar Pengembangan Wisata Halal Tidak Terganjal


Jurnal Halal No.168/2024

Rumah Potong Hewan Ujung Tombak Kehalalan Produk Pangan
