Grow your business in the global halal market
with an international standard
product halal certificate

Why Must Certified ​Halal International Standard

  • Halal product certificates have become a necessity in every halal product supply chain. The Muslim population, which now reaches 1.8 billion, encourages the improvement and strengthening of the Islamic economy. Muslim consumption of halal products alone is projected to reach USD 2.4 trillion in 2024.
  • LPPOM MUI has an extensive network with more than 20,000 partners spread across 65 countries around the world. LPPOM MUI has also collaborated with more than 40 world halal certification bodies. This extensive network strengthens the credibility of our certificates. The Credibility is also supported by accreditation from the National Accreditation Committee for the ISO/IEC 17065:2012 and from ESMA (Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology) for GSO 2055-2 2015.

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Halal Certification Procedures for Products Marketed Outside Indonesia

Halal certification for products to be marketed overseas (outside Indonesia) can be submitted directly to the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI). Halal certification procedures and decisions are handled by two institutions under MUI, namely LPPOM MUI and the MUI Fatwa Commission. LPPOM MUI handles document adequacy checks, audit scheduling, audit implementation, auditor meetings, issuance of audit memorandums, submission of minutes of audit results at MUI Fatwa Commission meetings, MUI fatwa commission decisions related to product halalness based on audit results, and issuance of MUI halal decrees.

Before registering for halal certification, the company must have implemented the Halal Assurance System (HAS) in accordance with government regulations and HAS 23000. For the proper implementation of HAS, the company needs to first understand the HAS criteria required in HAS 23000. A brief explanation of the HAS criteria in HAS 23000 can be seen here. HAS 23000 is organized based on several themes according to the company’s business processes. LPPOM MUI provides the thematic HAS 23000 book for companies who want to understand more deeply the requirements of the halal assurance system. Books are available in the form of printed books and e-books that can be ordered here. In addition, companies can also participate in HAS training organized by a competent HAS training institution.


Registration for halal certification begins with registration to LPPOM MUI by using the CEROL-SS23000 system through the website Guidelines for procedures for halal certification registration in the CEROL-SS23000 system can be found here. In the CEROL-SS23000 online system, companies need to fill in registration data, facility data, product data, material data, material vs product matrix data, and upload the required number of documents.

. The documents that need to be uploaded by the company for further product halal assessment process


Previous Halal Decree for the same product group (specifically for development or renewal registration). 


HAS Manual (only for new registration, development with HAS B status, or renewal registration). 


Latest HAS Status/Certificate (only for development or renewal registration). 


Production process flow chart for halal-certified products (for each type of product). 


Statement from the production facility owner that the facilities that are in direct contact with materials and products (including auxiliary equipment) are not shared to produce halal products with the products containing pork and its derivatives. If the facilities have been used to produce products containing pork and its derivatives, 7 (seven) times cleaning by water with 1 (one) among them by using soil, soap, detergent, or chemicals that can remove the smell and color has been conducted. 


List of addresses of all production facilities, including tolling manufacturers and warehouses for intermediate materials/products. Specifically, for restaurants, the informed facilities include the head office, external kitchens, warehouses, and outlets. Especially for gelatin products, if the raw materials (skin, bone, esophagus, bone chips, and/or ossein) are not halal-certified, the addresses of all the raw materials suppliers must also be included. 


Evidence of the dissemination of halal policies. 


Evidence of HAS internal training implementation. 


Evidence of HAS internal audit implementation. 


Evidence of company licenses such as Business Identification Number, Industrial Business Permit, Micro and Small Business Permit, Trading Business Permit (SIUP), or Certificate of Existence of Production Facilities issued by the local, regional apparatus (for companies located in Indonesia). 


Certificates or evidence of the application of a quality system or product safety (if any), such as HACCP, GMP, FSSC 22000, or Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) 


Summary (short description) of PRP implementation, CCP table & the basic flow diagrams for food products claimed as halal product that will be marketed to the Uni Arab Emirates or other countries that require it. 

For abattoir/slaughterhousen, there are several additional information


Name of slaughtermen


Slaughtering method (manually or mechanically) 


Stunning method (no stunning/mechanically/electrically) 

Furthermore, more complete information on policies and procedures can be downloaded by companies after the companies register through the  CEROL-SS23000 online system.

Global Halal Centre
Jl. Pemuda No. 5,  Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16162
  • Call Center Halo LPPOM :14056

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