
Now, There Is A Halal Certified Woven Fabric

The government has declared Indonesia as the Qibla of World Muslim Fashion. It is time for fashion products to be included in the five sectors of the Global Halal Industry. PT MilangKori Persada took quick steps. The owner of the new brand, KainHalal™, has won the LPPOM MUI Halal Decree No.: 00170142790322 in the Goods Category for Clothing Products since March 9th, 2022.

“KainHalal™ is the pioneer and mover of halal woven fabrics in Indonesia. With the creation of halal woven fabrics in Indonesia, the discourse of Indonesia as a fashion centre can be realized. A total of two billion Muslim residents are a market that Indonesia can work on to make this happen,” said the President of Indonesia Fashion Week 2022, Poppy Dharsono, at the KainHalal™ × Designers APPMI Fashion Show at the Indonesia Fashion Week 2022 grand show, some time ago.

Fabrics are included in the product category that must be certified halal. On the same occasion, Dr. Ir. Muslich, M.Si, Halal Partnership & Audit Services Director of LPPOM MUI, said that halal certification of fabrics is an obligation of implementing Government Regulation 39 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of the Halal Product Assurance Sector. 

“In the context of uses, the most critical point is the material which must be pure. In contrast to halal in food, what is of particular concern in the inspection of halal fabric audits is the purity of the material. So, if it is used during worship, then the worship will be valid,” explained Muslich. 

In addition, Muslich also explained that the halal certification system is focused on the product and the management system. Of the 11 criteria for the Halal Assurance System (SJH), not all are material matters. Meanwhile, other facilities and criteria are also things that cannot be neglected to be prepared to ensure the halalness of the fabric throughout the validity period of the halal certificate.

According to the President Director of PT MilangKori Persada, Fitiriani Kuroda, for the successful development of this Halal-certified Fabric product, PT. MilangKori Persada, in collaboration with Bemberg™ Yarn Company; Asahi Kasei Corp. — is the only factory in the world producing Cupro yarn or regenerated cellulose fibre derived from “Cotton Linter”, which is a short and beautifully soft fibre that sticks to cotton seeds. 

“This effort to certify fabrics with the Halal label is strengthened by the position of the Asahi Kasei Corp., a yarn factory since it only has one production line in Nobeoka City so that all thread processing is concentrated in only one factory. Thus, it is easier to trace, which is a strict requirement of MUI,” explained Fitriani.

The process of making the primary raw materials which are Warp yarn and Weft Yarn of KainHalal™, has been guaranteed by the Asahi Kasei Corp. with a declaration of a certificate free from animal and unclean elements and does not contain elements in the list of critical ingredients of the MUI.

Meanwhile, in the process of weaving into halal fabric, PT. Milanngkori Persada is assisted by the IKATSI team (Indonesian Association of Textile Experts) to convince the public that in making yarn into cloth, there is no use of materials that contain animal elements and to prepare the factory conditions according to the 11 HAS criteria. 

Also attending the event were Enny Yaqut Cholil (wife of the Indonesian Minister of Religion); Dr. Sapta Nirwandar, Head of Halal International Lifestyle; Mr. Masami Tamura, Deputy Ambassador of Japan; UN Global Compact; UNESCO; JETRO; Director-General of IKM Ministry of Industry; Director-General of IKMA (Small, Medium and Upper Industries); Directors of Miscellaneous SMEs Industries and Chemical, Clothing and Handicraft, etc. (*) 

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