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  • MUI: Halal is the Right of Consumers and Obligations of Producers

Until today, there are still many businessmen who declare their products as halal without obtaining a halal certificate. This is unfortunate, considering that halal is a consumer right. This was conveyed by the Chairman of the National MUI Da’wah Commission, KH. Cholil Nafis, LC., MA., Ph.D., during the National Webinar “Increase Profits and Selling Value of MSMEs with Halal Certificates” some time ago.

In obtaining a halal certificate, he continued, it is necessary to carry out an audit process by the auditor to ensure that the materials used are halal. Therefore, the personal halal declaration is not wise.

“There are only two Islamic teachings related to this, namely halal and haram. Therefore, we must be careful. You can’t declare halal yourself, especially because the seller is a Muslim” said Kyai Cholil.

In addition, since the issuance of the Halal Product Assurance Act (JPH Act), halal has become an obligation for entrepreneurs or producers. “Halal is important, because it has become an Islamic lifestyle. Consumer rights, producer obligations. Currently, the halal certification has become mandatory (mandatory) after the birth of the JPH Act, “said Kyai Cholil.

Talking about the halal lifestyle, he explained further, at the same time it means we are talking about living in accordance with Islamic law. Halal and healthy are inherent things. Therefore, it is known as halal and Thayyiban in Islam.

In this case, MUI has the role of himayatul ummah. That is, protecting and protecting people from bad creeds, muamalah that are haram, and misguided thoughts. Therefore, encouraging the realization of the right to consume halal products is one of the roles of MUI. This is something that must be facilitated by the state, which is mandated by law and must be done by entrepreneurs.

“We encourage the government to make halal a policy, so that the implementation of the JPH Act can be realized immediately. That way, consumers will feel safer in consuming the product, “explained Kyai Cholil. (YN)

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