
LPPOM MUI, “Your One Stop Service for Halal Certification and Laboratory Analysis”

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Starting from the issue of pig content in food products that disturbed the community in 1988 to the Covid-19 vaccine which is widely discussed today, LPPOM MUI as a Halal Inspection Agency is mandated to carry out a central role in halal certification in Indonesia. In the end, LPPOM MUI continues to grow with the dynamics of Indonesian Muslims, national and international policies related to halal certification, the development of the business world, and the dynamics in the MUI itself.

On January 6, 2022, LPPOM MUI was even involved and contributed to Indonesia's halal certification for 33 years. Currently, Indonesia's halal industry sector continues to develop in line with the development of halal product guarantee regulations and in the future it will be more progressive in line with the declaration of Indonesia as the World Halal Center.

Ma'ruf Amin also appreciated the commitment, mission, and consistency of LPPOM MUI in an effort to maintain the peace of the people through the consumption of halal food, medicine and cosmetics that are guaranteed halal. For the last 33 years, LPPOM MUI has continued to carry out audit functions on the first and most trusted halal certification so that it has also become an icon of halal labels for Indonesian halal products.

"Right now, we're continuing to race against time. Mainly to realize two major jobs in 2024, namely the obligation to be halal certified for all food and beverage products as well as Indonesia's vision as the center of the world's halal product industry. For this reason, as the pioneer of LPH in Indonesia, LPPOM MUI needs to continue to support efforts to expand and accelerate the halal certification process, especially for MSMEs in the food and minman sectors," said Ma'ruf Amin.

Judging from its history, the establishment of lppom MUI itself was based on a mandate from the government so that the MUI played an active role in reducing lard cases in Indonesia in 1988. At that time, there was an issue about lard in Indonesia which was very disturbing to the public. According to KH. Miftachul Akhyar, Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), with all its limitations, LPPOM MUI at that time carried out the mandate of voluntarily checking the halalness of products, until the typical halal certification in Indonesia continued to develop as it is today.

Kiai Akhyar continued, the MUI Halal Standard developed by LPPOM MUI as a Halal Assurance System has been adopted by almost all halal institutions in the world, ranging from Asia, Australia, Europe, to America and Africa. LPPOM MUI also continues to develop its service network by opening branch offices and representative offices in China, South Korea, and Taiwan.

Over time, the government issued a policy in the halal sector through Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantees. The law, which was updated with the Omnibus Law on Job Creation, changed the halal certification scheme from what was originally voluntary to mandatory.

According to Akhyar, LPPOM MUI as a Halal Inspection Agency is able to adapt very well to regulatory demands that require synergy with all halal ecosystem stakeholders, the demands of business actors in order to provide integrated services that are fast, accurate and efficient are also answered by LPPOM MUI by developing a service system that makes it easier for business actors.

When the Covid-19 Pandemic hit Indonesia, LPPOM MUI also had a big challenge to check the halalness of various types of Covid vaccines that would be used as one of the solutions in protecting public health. In service to business actors where there is a border on work from home policies, LPPOM MUI initiated the MOsA (Modified Onsite Audit) service. This halal audit is modified by certain methods according to the standards of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN).

Challenges Ahead

To respond to the challenges of the obligation to be halal certified in all food and beverage products as well as Indonesia's vision as the center of the world's halal product industry. LPPOM MUI continues to transform in terms of improving halal certification services, system breakthroughs, and internal strengthening. Muti Arintawati, President Director of LPPOM MUI said that now the responsibility of LPPOM MUI is no longer only to carry out the MUI's mandate to calm the people and provide excellent service to companies receiving halal certification services, but also the responsibility for compliance with state regulations.

To respond to the challenges of the obligation to be halal certified in all food and beverage products as well as Indonesia's vision as the center of the world's halal product industry. LPPOM MUI continues to transform in terms of improving halal certification services, system breakthroughs, and internal strengthening. Muti Arintawati, President Director of LPPOM MUI said that now the responsibility of LPPOM MUI is no longer only to carry out the MUI's mandate to calm the people and provide excellent service to companies receiving halal certification services, but also the responsibility for compliance with state regulations.

Muti explained that the form of improvement is supported by very adequate halal laboratory equipment. Now, LPPOM MUI has improved the latest halal laboratory services, namely with a chemical and microbiology laboratory which was inaugurated in conjunction with the 33rd anniversary of LPPOM MUI. In addition, there is a new system called OLIGO-LS which greatly facilitates business actors in the halal audit process because sample submission and progress monitoring can be done online.

Miftachul Akhyar reminded LPPOM MUI to pay attention to the demands of the business world who yearn for a fast, transparent and accountable halal certification service. Therefore, according to him, there is no other option for LPPOM MUI to continue to improve its services and services in the halal field while still upholding the principle of professionalism. LPPOM MUI must also be able to establish cooperation and partnerships with various groups, so that the goal of making Indonesia the world's halal center can be achieved.

Meanwhile, Ma'ruf Amin advised all stakeholders to continue to increase synergy. If all parties give their contribution and the best role, God willing, Indonesia will be able to realize the ideals of progress in the Indonesian halal industry.

To disseminate various experiences, data, and views related to the 33-year journey and display the form of concrete innovation, LPPOM MUI held Tasyakur Milad as well as a reflection on the 33 Years of LPPOM MUI's Journey and the Inauguration of the Chemistry and Microbiology Laboratory.Based on LPPOM MUI data, from 2015 to 2021, LPPOM MUI has certified 18,734 companies with 43,665 halal certificates and 1,288,555 products.

As a gratitude for the 33rd milad, LPPOM MUI also announced various programs that will be carried out in 2022, including:

• Halal Award 2022

• Syawal Festival 1443 H

• Pioneering Laboratory in LPPOM MUI Province

• LPPOM MUI Promo Month (Halal Certification Registration and Lab Service Special Price)

• Integration of Si Halal and CEROL-SS23000 to Accelerate Halal Certification Services.
VIDEO : Tasyakur Milad LPPOM MUI 33rd Anniversary

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