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  • LPPOM MUI Encourages Improvement of Halal Certification Exports

The government has enacted Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning the Halal Product Assurance Act (UU JPH). This regulation states that products in circulation and trade in Indonesia must be halal-certified.

This regulation was explained by the Marketing & Networking Manager of LPPOM MUI, Cucu Rina Purwaningrum, S.TP., MP, in a seminar on “Building the Global Market for Indonesian Halal Products with Alibaba” organized by the Global Halal Hub Together with GeTI Alibaba.com in the event webinar on March 10, 2023.

“Halal products have two markets, and there are the domestic and foreign (export) markets. Usually, for export purposes, each country has its regulations related to halal, such as halal for meat products and processed products and accreditation of halal certification bodies, such as in the Middle East,” Cucu explained.

The halal certificate itself will be an added value for products that will be exported to the country so that it becomes a value for consumer attraction. There is a lot of demand for halal-certified products in the global market because halal is an added value to attract consumers.

“LPPOM MUI is ready to support halal certification for global market exports since LPPOM MUI has an extensive and internationally recognized network with 34 branches in Indonesia and four branches abroad, has clients of more than 20,000 companies, spread across 65 countries, cooperates with more than 40 Halal Certification Body (LSH) spread all over the world and recognized by accreditation agency authorities in the Middle East, so they are ready to assist businesses in improving the quality and certification of halal products,” said Cucu.

The Business Development Manager from GeTI Alibaba.com, Sasongko, explained that halal certification could make it easier for buyers from other countries to choose halal products to be imported into their country. In the search column on the Alibaba.com marketplace because there are features that can directly provide product search results that are halal certified.

LPPOM MUI provides a platform to check domestic and ethnic cuisine and beverage products that already have halal certificates. You can check the halal product through the website www.halalmui.org or the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded on Google Playstore. (ZUL)

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