
LPPOM MUI Holds Halal Assurance System Training in Korea

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  • LPPOM MUI Holds Halal Assurance System Training in Korea

Implementation of Halal Assurance System (HAS) is a pre-requisite program for obtaining halal certificate from MUI.  Based on this policy, in order to get or renew halal certificate from MUI, the halal registered companies must fulfill the minimum score of implementation of HAS.

In term of implementing HAS, Halal Management Team plays a significant role to design, implement, organize, and maintain HAS in halal certified company internally.  In order to implement HAS properly, Halal Management Team (HMT) is responsible to plan, conduct, control, monitor, and evaluate implementation of HAS.  The member of HMT must meet the necessary competency as required by LPPOM MUI.  In meeting such competency, certainly, the member of HMT  has to understand about the requirements of Halal Assurance System (HAS 23000), have knowledge and skills to organize implementation of HAS as well as to solve the problems founded.

Based on this need, LPPOM MUI conducted External Halal training on Halal Assurance System for company in Korea. 33 of Korean Company and 2 of Consultant Agency participated in External Halal Training on HAS 2017. 20 of  the companies have obtained Halal Certificate for their product and 13 of the companies still on process to get Halal Certificate.

The training run successfully in two days (6-7th March 2017) at Bankers Club, Seoul, South Korea. In the first day, all participants have to do pre-test. At 9 AM KST, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si opened the external halal training continued with explaining ‘The importance and Benefit of Halal Certification and Halal Assurance System Implementation’ and explaining about ‘Flow Process of Halal Certification’. After coffe break, participants got explanation about ‘Halal Assurance System Criteria’ and ‘HAS Manual Setting Up’ from Irma Rosiana Elizabeth, S.Si and Ivon Widiahtuti, S.TP.

In the second day, training started at 9 AM KST, Training materials followed by guidance documents that should be registered in certification process, and explain the company’s obligation to fulfilled before audit, audit, and after audit (after company got Halal Certificate). In addition, there is introduction of LPPOM MUI Branch office in Korea, Ini Halal Korea (IHK, Inc.).

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