
LPPOM MUI and Muslimat Al Ittihadiyah Again Hold a Halal Da’wah Cadre ToT

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Jakarta – The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) with Muslimat Al Ittihadiyah held a Training of Trainer (ToT) for Halal Da’wah Cadres on March 10, 2020 at the Balairung Hotel, Jakarta. As many as 200 participants who attended the event came from Islamic women’s organizations, Islamic Community Guidance on Hajj affairs, majelis taklim, and students from Ibnu Chaldun University Jakarta.

Dr. Hartini, Chairperson of Muslimat Al-Ittihadiyah, said that the event was organized to create halal da’wah cadres. Inevitably, there are still many questions related to halal and haram a product. In fact, this is very important and is closely related to daily life.

This ToT is not the first time. Previously, the ToT was held in Jambi and South Sulawesi. After undergoing ToT, participants are expected to be able to socialize halal to the surrounding environment, so that more halal cadres are created. This can be a step in encouraging Indonesian halal certification to become the world’s halal Mecca. 

“After graduating in this ToT, participants who attend are expected to be able to disseminate their knowledge to the wider community. For example, through PKK associations, majelis taklim, or UKM,” said Hartini.

Meanwhile, Ir. Osmena Gunawan, Communication Director of LPPOM MUI, said that basically halal is part of jihad. This is a picture of the importance of halal consumption in people’s lives. For 31 years, LPPOM MUI has been and will continue to strive for the sake of protecting people from unlawful food.

“Jihad is meant here is to keep our families at least consuming halal products. In fact, the Qur’an has explained that halal food is actually not only intended for Muslims, but all people,” he said.

Related to that, Osmena invited the ToT participants to make the best use of this event. This is because there is still a lack of education regarding halal and haram materials. He took the example of a product with a certain taste and cut meat that is commonly consumed daily.

“There are many daily cases where the halal critical point is quite high. For example, foods with certain flavorings or cuts of meat that we usually cook. Cow taste, not necessarily derived from cows. If it is from a cow, it is necessary to examine how to slaughter it,” Osmena explained.

Present at this event were Dr. Joko Hermanianto (Advisor of LPPOM MUI’s Halal Audit Service) discusses Haram Halal in the Qur’an and Hadith; Prof. Dr. Ir. Hj. Purwantiningsih, M.S (Advisor of LPPOM MUI’s Halal Audit Service) discussed the Knowledge and Critical Point of Material; and Lia Amalia, ST., SS., MT (Advisor of Education and Promotion LPPOM MUI) discussed the Halal Assurance System and Halal Certification Procedure (HAS 23000). (*)

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