
Ketum MUI: Maintaining Product Halalness Is a Noble Task

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  • Ketum MUI: Maintaining Product Halalness Is a Noble Task

Providing halal products is included in carrying out himayatul ummah. Namely, guarding the people from food that is shabby, let alone illegitimate. This is a very noble task. This was conveyed by the Chairman of MUI, K.H. Miftachul Akhyar in the ASSALAM 2021 event (Gathering of LPPOM MUI and Halal Certified Companies) with the theme "Launching the Latest LPPOM MUI Program with Halal Certified Companies in Fulfilling Halal Product Guarantee Regulations" on May 31, 2021 virtually.

In the event which was attended by various company associations and more than 850 halal certified companies, Kiai Akhyar expressed his gratitude to all halal certified companies for their commitment in maintaining the halalness of products.

"I, representing the MUI ranks, would like to express my gratitude to the producers of halal products who continue to be committed to providing halal products for Muslim consumers. We hope that the commitment in maintaining the guarantee of halal products can continue to be carried out istiqamah. So that the Muslim community can continue to feel calm and serene in consuming products on the market," said Kiai Akhyar.

He also gave appreciation to LPPOM MUI as a pioneer of halal certification activities. For 32 years running in the world of halal certification, LPPOM MUI faced various challenges, which then gave birth to new breakthroughs to continue to improve services and facilitate business actors in the halal certification process.

"LPPOM MUI is an institution that mui trusts and trusts the people. So far, LPPOM MUI has carried out its duties very well. The findings of LPPOM MUI are the basis for the establishment of halal products by the MUI Fatwa Commission," said Kiai Akhyar.

LPPOM MUI is the first Halal Inspection Agency (LPH) established by the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH). In addition, LPPOM MUI is the first Halal Certification Body (LSH) that has been accredited with SNI ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and has been recognized by the overseas halal certification body, emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA) in the UAE standard 2055: 2-2016.

Currently, LPPOM MUI has been strengthened by more than a thousand (1,000) reliable and professional halal auditors from all over Indonesia. In addition to being supported by a very adequate educational background, they have also received various kinds of training to improve their skills and competence as halal auditors. LPPOM MUI has also been equipped with a halal laboratory that has been accredited with SNI ISO / IEC 17025: 2017 by KAN. (*)

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