Inilah 4 Regulasi Produk Pangan Vegan yang Perlu Diketahui

By: Dr. H. Priyo Wahyudi, M.Sc.

LPPOM MUI Laboratory Expert Team

Microbiology & Biotechnology Expert

Indonesia already has several regulations regarding the distribution of vegan products. One of the highlights is that a product with a vegan claim must have a vegan certificate and laboratory testing results. LPPOM MUI has answered this challenge.

Referring to Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) Regulation Number 31 of 2018 concerning Processed Food Labels, the term vegan is defined as a person who does not consume food from animals and processed products and derivative products of meat, fish, eggs, milk, or honey.

Therefore, vegan products are processed foods without animal-based ingredients, and processed products include milk, eggs, and honey. Vegan products are not grouped into general processed food products but are included in the claimed processed food group.

(Also read: All about Vegan Products, Check the 3 Benefits of Testing

Claims are any description that suggests or indirectly states specific characteristics of food regarding its origin, nutritional content, benefits, properties, production, processing, composition, or other quality factors. Vegan food products sold and packaged at retail must be labeled and registered with BPOM.

Here are the rules regarding vegan claims:

  1. BPOM Regulation Number 27 of 2017 concerning Processed Food Registration
  2. BPOM Regulation Number 31 of 2018 concerning Processed Food Labels
  3. BPOM Regulation Number 26 of 2021 concerning Nutritional Value Information on Processed Food Labels
  4. BPOM Regulation Number 1 of 2022 concerning Supervision of Claims on Processed Food Labels and Advertisements.

BPOM Regulation Number 27 of 2017 concerning Processed Food Registration states that a vegan certificate and animal DNA testing results are requirements for processing processed food, which includes the vegan logo and writing. Animal DNA testing results were undetectable, and an authorized institution issued a vegan certificate.

Vegan food products must include a vegan label as regulated in BPOM Regulation Number 31 of 2018 concerning Processed Food Labels, which reads:

  1. Including a vegan logo and vegan writing is only done as long as the processed food does not contain animal-based food ingredients and the processed product includes honey.
  2. The inclusion of a vegan logo and vegan writing as intended in paragraph (1) must be proven by DNA analysis.
  3. DNA analysis, as intended in paragraph (2), is carried out by an accredited laboratory or laboratory appointed by the government.

BPOM Regulation Number 1 of 2022, concerning Supervision of Claims on Processed Food Labels and Advertisements, re-emphasizes the requirements for vegan claims that must be met for registration of processed food claims. In summary, from 2022, registration of vegan food products must:

  1. Use the food claim registration scheme.
  2. You cannot include vegan in the name of the type of food because vegan is only listed on the label.
  3. Must include the Nutritional Value Information (ING) table.
  4. In the BPOM RI e-registration application, a risk-based processed food registration, vegan food products are included as high risk.
  5. Including a vegan claim can be in the form of a vegan label and writing, which must not contain the certification body’s name.

Processed food products can claim to be vegan if they have received a vegan certificate issued by the only vegan certification body in Indonesia appointed by BPOM RI, namely the Indonesia Vegetarian Society – Vegan Society of Indonesia (IVS – VSI). The vegan certificate issued by IVS – VSI is one of the supporting data that must be had when registering processed food products with vegan claims at BPOM.

The existence of BPOM regulations, which require registration of processed food products claiming to be vegan, must have a vegan certificate, and DNA testing results provide the background and opportunity for animal DNA testing. The increase in vegan products in Indonesia is in line with the growing development of vegan practitioners, making animal DNA testing services for vegan claims a necessity and a necessity that must be available in Indonesia.

All processed food products that wish to register as vegan with BPOM must have a vegan certificate from IVS – VSI as a vegan certification body in Indonesia. Vegan certification requires the non-detection of animal DNA through vegan testing in an accredited laboratory. The LPPOM MUI laboratory is the first and only laboratory in Indonesia that has been accredited ISO 17025 from KAN in animal DNA testing for vegan claims.

The LPPOM MUI laboratory, which is equipped with sophisticated equipment, is ready to provide animal DNA testing to certify vegan products or authenticate animal sources for food and cosmetic raw materials, processed food products, cosmetic products, and consumer goods products with vegan claims, with complete services according to customer needs.

Regular testing services are available within 7 working days, fast track testing, which only takes five working days, and Flash testing, which is completed in 3 working days. From registration and real-time test monitoring to downloading the test result certificate (Certificate of Analysis – CoA) can be done online.

The increase and development of vegan products in Indonesia require animal DNA testing services that are reliable not only for quality but also for easy access and fast time. The LPPOM MUI Laboratory has prepared itself as a vegan testing laboratory appointed by IVS – VSI, providing excellent and superior service to customer needs.

The LPPOM MUI Laboratory provides vegan testing and animal DNA testing services to answer the need for verified vegan products. This test will likely make it easier for business actors to comply with regulations for including vegan labels, increasing product value, protecting consumers, and guaranteeing brand reputation. Complete information regarding this test can be accessed on the website (***)

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