
Could Nugget Not Be Halal?

Nugget continues to be favorite foods for many circles, both children and adults. Because it felt delicious, the presentation of the nugget is practice and only requires a short time. Not surprisingly, this food has become idols of the mother in choosing alternatives side dishes for her children.

The reason more, nuggets often are the solution to the mother that her son is difficult to eat. And then, nugget has been varied with various forms, such as the alphabet, animals, and the other shapes. Of course, this will increase one’s interest in consuming it, especially children.

Generally, nuggets processed from a mixture of flour, meat, eggs, bread flour, and seasonings. 
Meat that used for nuggets also been varied, namely meat chicken, beef, or fish. Until this time, nuggets of chicken still be the idol in the market. It is proven by the growing number of chicken nuggets producers from the scale of the large industry to the home industry.

Because it comes from processed chicken, the majority of Indonesian people assume that nuggets circulating on the market are halal. Though there are several haram critical points on nuggets that need to considered, edition of the Halal Journal this time will encourage you to review the critical point haram of the nugget. The following is a review.

Processing nuggets commonly made by mixing the entire ingredients, among others, are the wheat flour, meat, eggs, and spices. In this stage, wheat flour and eggs already included in the not critical list of material (positive halal list of material). It means the two materials tend not dangerous and do not doubt the status of halal, so that is safe to use even without examination of halal.

The next ingredient which has a critical point haram is the meat. The quality of the nuggets can be determined from the composition of the meat compared to other additives. The nugget that considered to have excellent quality contains no less than 80 percent of meat, while the other 20 percent is in the form of a mixture of the other ingredients. Unfortunately, in the market, there are many nuggets with the opposite comparison.

The next problem is that almost all nugget producers, especially in large scale industries, use mechanically deboning meat (MDM). This meat product produced by forcing meat that is mashed or ground under high pressure automatically to separate bones from edible meat tissue, such as cartilage, marrow, skin, nerves, blood vessels, and the remaining meat attached to the bone.

Although priced at a lower price, MDM has protein and meat properties that can use for processed products. The Indonesian National Standard (SNI) with SNI number 6683: 2014 also has stated that MDM can be used as a material for making nuggets.

The problem is that MDM usually collected from various abattoirs (RPH), which are not necessarily halal certified. Especially if MDM material collected from abattoirs in countries with a majority of non-Muslim populations. Of course, this is a serious problem.

“In addition to the use of chicken meat, which must be halal, the use of MDM in producing this nugget is another matter. It becomes a critical point that needs to consider in seeing the halal nuggets,” said Ir. Nur Wahid, M.Sc, LPPOM MUI Auditor.

As we know, based on Al-Baqarah verse 173, meat is declared not halal when before being slaughtered, it has become a corpse and slaughtered without saying the name of Allah. Besides, mixing or contaminating meat with haram will make the meat also haram.

Not until there. Business actors, both from large and home-scale industries, are increasingly creative in creating nuggets from a mixture of processed chicken meat with oats, vegetables, tempeh, milk, and cheese, wow, appetizing, right?

In terms of nutrition and taste, of course, this is very interesting for mothers to give it to the children. But what about the critical point?
If producers add some additional ingredients, of course, our duty to check the halal of a product is increasing — for example, the addition of milk and cheese to nuggets.
Both of these materials have haram points, which are quite critical.

Milk, for example, will become haram when milk is produced from haram animals or contaminated with haram substances while cheese comes from cow, sheep, goat, or camel milk. Then needed microorganisms (such as enzyme rennet, pepsin, renin, renilation) in the process of milk clumping.

“The enzyme rennet used can come from fermented or calf stomach. If it comes from microbial fermentation, then it must be ensured that the media used for microbial growth does not contain any haram ingredients. Meanwhile, if it comes from the stomach of a calf, the method of slaughter becomes the determinant of halal status, “explained Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si, Director Executive of LPPOM MUI.

By paying attention to the products we consume, so we protect ourselves and our immediate family from the consumption of haram things. One of the easiest things to do is to pay attention to the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) label printed on the product packaging; or with a halal certificate at a restaurant, outlet, or slaughterhouse. (YN)

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