

Inilah Alasan Distributor dan Importir Pangan Harus Sertifikasi Halal

This is the Reason Food Distributors and Importers Must be Halal Certified

The Government has enacted Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH). This obligation states that products entering, circulating and trading in Indonesia’s territory must be halal certified, including imported products from abroad. Marketing & Networking Manager of LPPOM, Cucu Rina Purwaningrum, S.TP, MP., conveyed this in a seminar themed “Halal Mandatory

This is the Reason Food Distributors and Importers Must be Halal Certified Read More »

Kantongi Sertifikat Halal, Tenang Makan Martabak Pizza Orins

Already has a Halal Certificate, No Need to Worry When Eating Martabak Pizza Orins

Good news for martabak lovers, it comes from Martabak Pizza Orins, one of the pioneers of martabak pizza in Indonesia. Martabak Pizza Orins has obtained a halal certificate with a series of halal inspection processes carried out through LPH LPPOM, which is carried out quickly and easily. PT Martabak Pizza Orins has obtained a halal

Already has a Halal Certificate, No Need to Worry When Eating Martabak Pizza Orins Read More »

Apa Perbedaan Penyelia Halal dan Auditor Halal Internal?

What is the Difference Between Halal Supervisors and Internal Halal Auditors?

By: Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si, the President Director of LPPOM MUI Question: Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb. In the halal certification process, we often hear the term halal supervisor whose job is to oversee the halal product inspection process in a company. Before the enactment of Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance, we also

What is the Difference Between Halal Supervisors and Internal Halal Auditors? Read More »

Hargai Keberagaman, LPPOM Buka Suara Soal Penolakan Wisata Halal dan Festival Non-Halal

Respecting Diversity, LPPOM Clarifies Regarding Rejection of Halal Tourism and Non-Halal Festivals

LPPOM emphasizes that it always respects diversity. This stems from the incident of rejection of a non-halal culinary festival in Solo and halal tourism in Labuan Bajo some time ago. News related to the exclusivity of halal consumption has resurfaced. There has been a rejection of halal tourism in several areas, such as Bali, North

Respecting Diversity, LPPOM Clarifies Regarding Rejection of Halal Tourism and Non-Halal Festivals Read More »

Dinilai Sukses Mengawal Transformasi, Dirut LPPOM Menangkan Penghargaan dari SWA

Deemed Successful in Leading Transformation, The President Director of LPPOM Wins Award from SWA

LPPOM underwent a massive transformation in order to face the enactment of Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (JPH), which requires halal certification for all products circulating in Indonesia. This transformation applies to all aspects, from regulations, digitalization, and organizational structure to business models. Muti Arintawati, the President Director of LPPOM who

Deemed Successful in Leading Transformation, The President Director of LPPOM Wins Award from SWA Read More »

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