
Applying IHSAN Values, LPPOM MUI Is Ready to Face New Challenges!

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  • Applying IHSAN Values, LPPOM MUI Is Ready to Face New Challenges!

Since the enactment of Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance Act (JPH Act), the world of halal certification has faced a new era. This has an impact not only on the halal industry players, but also for the Halal Inspection Body (LPH).

In this case, the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) has continued to make management improvements in order to prepare itself so that it can remain at the forefront of the world of halal certification. One of the efforts is by applying the IHSAN values, namely: integrity, reliability, synergy, enthusiasm for innovation, and number one customer.

First, integrity. LPPOM MUI personnel are required to think, say, behave and act properly and correctly and uphold Islamic values, code of ethics and institutional regulations and applicable laws.

Second, reliable. Human resources (HR) of LPPOM MUI are selected with special qualifications so that they are able to work smartly, thoroughly, and with quality based on relevant knowledge and skills with commitment and a sense of responsibility.

Third, synergy. LPPOM MUI prioritizes two-way communication and mutual trust in the abilities and potential of others and is always ready to work together to produce useful and quality work.

Fourth, enthusiastic to innovate. LPPOM MUI personnel are always looking for opportunities to make improvements in all fields for the advancement of work units and institutions. This is to support the fifth point, namely putting customers first. 

LPPOM MUI continues to provide superior services according to customer needs (internal and external) accurately, quickly and sincerely. This was born from the awareness of the importance of speed as the main parameter that needs to be maintained in a service-based business.

(Also read: LPPOM MUI’s New Step to Explore the World of Halal Certification)

In addition, the Executive Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si. said that there are at least three cultures that must be implemented by LPPOM MUI personnel. These three things include: getting used to not being anti-change, emphasizing that success is not one’s responsibility, and instilling a culture ready to learn.

“We have to be flexible and flexible to change, without having to compromise with anything that is substance. “Halal and haram are not something that can be compromised, but the way to achieve them is something that must be adjusted to the era,” explained Muti.

With these three cultures, Muti is optimistic that LPPOM MUI can prove to be the number one LPH in Indonesia. That way, companies that are halal certified will no longer hesitate to choose LPPOM MUI as the LPH of choice. (YN)

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