Setitik Kasih LPPOM MUI untuk Palestina

Free Palestine! This call sounds right to ignite enthusiasm for all residents of Gaza, Palestine. The war between Palestine and Israel has resulted in various fatal losses. More than 10 thousand lives have been lost due to the ferocity of this war, most of them women and children.

Injured and traumatized victims also overflowed in several hospitals and refugee camps in Gaza. This was made worse by the burning of several hospital facilities and the blockade of clean water, electricity, internet and humanitarian aid. This makes the people of Gaza even worse.

It has been almost a month since this humanitarian tragedy struck. The number of victims increases every day. As an Islamic institution, the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) is obliged to help fellow Muslims through, among other things, raising donations as humanitarian aid for victims of war atrocities in Palestine. Hopefully, this donation will ease the people of Gaza in difficult days.

“This donation is not just assistance. Through this action, we hope that our brothers and sisters in Gaza can receive the message that we in Indonesia, especially LPPOM MUI, continue to pray and support their struggle there,” said the President Director of LPPOM MUI, Muti Arintawati.

LPPOM MUI, together with the extended family of LPPOM MUI personnel, succeeded in collecting donations IDR 126,957,140 for Palestine, which were channeled through the Islamic Da’wah Fund-Indonesian Council of Ulama (IDF-MUI). There is great hope that the war will end soon, Palestine will soon be free, and there will be no more casualties. Free Palestine! (YN)

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