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  • 2026, Goods for Use are Obligatory for Halal Certification

The government has enacted Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning the Halal Products Assurance Act (UU JPH). This regulation states that products that enter, circulate, and trade in the territory of Indonesia must be halal certified, except for products that are forbidden. This regulation also applies to goods used and utilized by the community.

The Director of Halal Partnership explained this and Audit Services LPPOM MUIDr. Ir. Muslich, M.Si, in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) themed “Industry Readiness and Infrastructure for Obligatory Enforcement of Halal Certificates for Useful Goods for Textile, Leather and Footwear Industry Products” organized by the Ministry of Industry of the Republic of Indonesia and the Ministry’s Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH) Religion of the Republic of Indonesia on March 16, 2023.

Textile, leather and footwear products subject to halal Certification originate or contain animal elements and are used as clothing, head coverings, accessories, household health supplies, household appliances, Muslim worship equipment, and product packaging. Based on the regulations in force, goods belonging to this category are still in a transitional period and will only be required on October 17, 2026.

“If we talk about materials that are critical in consumer goods, for example, microbial enzymes used in the manufacturing process of consumer goods, such as leather tanners, whether they come from animals or not, we cannot be sure if there is no verification whether they come from animals or not. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out audits and inspections to ensure its halalness because the goods for use also have the potential to contain unclean and unclean ingredients,” said Muslich.

Muslich explained in detail the criteria for animal-based use goods that can be used in the production of halal use goods, such as animal elements used for use goods come from animals that are ma’kul al lahm, namely the meat may be eaten and slaughtered according to syar’i, such as cows, goats and sheep.

Furthermore, producing used goods made from animals must be guaranteed their purity. Utilization of animal carcass skins that are ma’kul al lahm or those that are ghair ma’kul al lahm (the meat of which cannot be eaten) for the production of goods for use must first be purified through tanning, except for the skins of dogs, pigs and those born in between. Bones from ma’kul al lahm animals not slaughtered according to syar’i may not be used for goods. Fur, hair and horns from ma’kul al lahm and ghair ma’kul al lahm animals may be used except for dogs, pigs and those born between the two.

Currently, LPPOM MUI provides a platform to check consumer goods with a halal certificate. You can prevent the halal use of consumer goods through the website www.halalmui.org or the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded on Google Playstore. (ZUL)

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