
When Choosing a Beautiful Lipstick Colour, Stay Aware of Animal Ingredients

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  • When Choosing a Beautiful Lipstick Colour, Stay Aware of Animal Ingredients
Pilih Warna Cantik Lipstik, Tetap Waspadai Kandungan Hewani

Although it is only one product, lipstick contains various ingredients that must be criticized regarding safety and halalness. In this case, LPPOM is always ready to provide easy halal inspection services for all cosmetic industry players.

Lipstick has become essential to everyday life, especially for women who use it to increase self-confidence and beautify their appearance. As a frequently used cosmetic product, lipstick selection is based not only on colour and texture but also on its safety and halalness. Many users are not yet aware that some lipsticks contain potentially non-halal ingredients.

In the context of halal, choosing a halal-certified lipstick product is very important for Muslim women. This is to ensure that the ingredients used in the lipstick do not come from prohibited sources and that the manufacturing process is in accordance with Islamic law. LPPOM’s Senior Halal Auditor, Susiyanti, M.Si., highlighted the importance of knowing the composition of the ingredients in lipstick so that it is in accordance with halal principles.

According to Susiyanti, cosmetics can be categorized based on their external and internal use. “If it is used internally, for example, accidentally using lipstick or lip balm and swallowing it, it is called internal. There is also external use, which is not eaten or swallowed but can be absorbed into the body, such as soap and cream,” she explained.

Therefore, it is crucial to choose lipstick that is guaranteed halal. In the halal certification process, several ingredients in lipstick are considered critical and must be checked for their origin. “In lipstick, there are also those that use glycerin, and then there are also saturated triglyceride fatty acids, such as lauric acid (C12). In addition, there is a mixture of several other fatty acids, such as palmitic or stearic acid,” said Susiyanti.

She added that these fatty acids can come from animals, plants, or even microbes. However, fatty acids that come from animals are often found in lipstick. “For example, lauric acid, stearic acid, and myristic acid. When these three ingredients are found in lipstick, we must know where they come from. If it comes from animals, the material must be halal,” she stressed.

The halalness of the material depends on the source and production process. If it comes from animals that are not slaughtered according to Islamic law or from animals that are forbidden, then the material is not halal. Therefore, auditing the source of raw materials is crucial in the halal certification process.

In addition to fatty acids, lipstick contains flavours or flavouring substances that give it a specific aroma. Susiyanti says one flavour alone can be produced using 20-30 ingredients. “Based on my experience in auditing, one lipstick can use around 20-22 ingredients. Flavour is one of them. So, each component must be ensured not to contain elements that conflict with halal principles,” she said.

This complexity makes halal certification of lipstick more challenging because it must ensure that every ingredient in the product is not only halal but also safe and by the principles of halal tayyib—that is, halal and good to use.

In addition to the halal aspect, the safety factor in cosmetics is also a concern. Susiyanti explained that some chemicals, such as parabens, must be limited in their use in accordance with the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM). “Halalan tayyiban is a complete unit that cannot be separated,” she said.

With increasing public awareness of halal products, consumers are now more careful in choosing cosmetics, including lipstick. Ensuring that the products used are halal-certified is essential to ensure safety and comfort in worship. Therefore, consumers are advised always to check the halal label on cosmetic products that will be used.

As a halal certification institution with more than 36 years of experience, LPPOM continues to remind people of the importance of halal certification in the cosmetics industry. Thus, it is hoped that the public can use products that comply with halal standards and are safe and beneficial for health.

To encourage the realization of halal cosmetics, LPPOM always opens a discussion space for the cosmetics industry, which can be done through the Customer Care service at Call Center 14056 or WhatsApp 0811-1148-696. In addition, business actors can also explore the flow and process of halal certification by attending the Introduction to Halal Certification (PSH) class, which is held routinely every week

LPPOM also has an ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited laboratory for halal and vegan testing that can be used for cosmetic products. Further information regarding the LPPOM MUI Laboratory testing service can be accessed at For those who want to find halal-certified lipstick products, you can check out the website, the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded on the Playstore, and the BPJPH website. (YN)

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