
What is Islamic Method for Halal Slaughter?

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  • What is Islamic Method for Halal Slaughter?

Meat is a much-loved source of animal protein. Red and white meat can be processed into a variety of dishes that are considered delicious. Most people like fresh meat, which is often purchased at traditional markets. Unfortunately, doubts often arise regarding the halalness of meat because there is no halal certificate from the slaughterhouse. Although cows and chickens are halal for consumption, their meat can become haram if the slaughter does not follow Islamic law.

President Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si., conveyed her observations on cases of slaughtering chickens in traditional markets that did not meet the requirements. For example, cutting a chicken only injures the skin of the neck, not missing the vein in the throat.

“In addition, chickens slaughtered are often dipped directly into hot water (for depilation) without being sure that they are dead, so there is a possibility of death from the heat. This happens because the slaughter of chickens in traditional markets is usually done by traders whose competence in halal slaughter is unknown,” Muti explained. Of course, the two slaughterings above are illegal because death is not caused by the breaking of the respiratory tract (al-helium), the two data paths (wadajain), and the food route (al-mari’).

For slaughter to be carried out according to Islamic law, the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) has issued Fatwa No. 12 of 2009 concerning Halal Slaughter Certification Standards. The fatwa explains the procedures for slaughtering and post-slaughter management.

Animal conditions must meet animal health standards based on the competent authority. Slaughter must be carried out by a Muslim of sound mind, puberty or tamyiz (among other things, being able to distinguish between good and bad), and competent. The results of the slaughter of madmen, drunken people, immature children, and infidels are illegal. Slaughter tools must be sharp and not come from nails, teeth/fangs, and bones.

Slaughter begins with the intention and mentioning the name of Allah. It is Sunnah for animals to face the Qibla. The Stunning method is permitted if;

1. Stunning (and its equipment) only causes the animal to faint temporarily, does not cause death, and does not cause permanent injury

2. Aimed at facilitating the slaughter

3. The implementation is as a form of Ihsan, not to torture animals

4. Stunning equipment is not used alternately between halal and non-halal animals (pigs)

5. Supervised and executed expertly

6. Do not do animal barking

Slaughter must be done quickly, and once slaughtered and cutting the food channel (maria/esophagus), respiratory tract/throat (helium/trachea), and two blood vessels (wadajain/jugular vein and carotid artery) so that the blood flows. Blood flow and animal movements must be verified to confirm animal death.

Processing of meat must be separated from animals that fail to be slaughtered. Storage of frozen meat may not coincide with storage of non-halal meat. In the delivery process, there must be information and guarantees regarding the halal status of the heart, from preparation and transportation to receipt.

LPPOM MUI once again held the Shawwal 1444 H Festival and supported government programs for expanding access to halal meat. Representatives of selected UMK and Slaughterhouse (RPH) performers in all provinces in Indonesia were given accessible facilities for halal certification. Business actors in this field also have access to technical guidance related to halal certification for slaughterhouses and MSMEs in general. Online Technical Guidance (Bimtek) will be the peak of the event: The Easy Way to Halal Certification for Slaughterhouses, held online on May 24, 2023. This activity will thoroughly explore and dissect the ins and outs of halal certification for slaughterhouses with competent practitioners. Registration can be done via the following link .

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