Based on the MUI DSN Fatwa Number 108/DSN-MUI/X/2016

General Principles for Organizing Sharia Tourism:

  1. Tour operators:

Must avoid idolatry, disobedience, disobedience, tabdzir/israf, and mischief; and create benefit and benefit both materially and spiritually.

  1. Related hotels:
  1. The hotel must not provide access to pornography and immoral acts;
  2. Must not provide entertainment facilities that lead to polytheism, immorality, pornography and/or immoral acts;
  3. Food and beverages provided by Sharia hotels must have obtained halal certificates from MUI;
  4. Provide adequate facilities, equipment and facilities for the worship, including cleaning facilities;
  5. Managers and employees of the hotel must wear clothes in accordance with sharia;
  6. Sharia hotels are required to have guidelines and/or guidelines regarding hotel service procedures to ensure the implementation of hotel services in accordance with sharia principles;
  1. Related tourist destinations:
  1. Sharia tourism destinations are required to have worship facilities that are suitable for use, easily accessible and meet shariah requirements; halal food and beverages guaranteed halal with MUI Halal Certificate.
  2. Travel destinations must avoid polytheism and khurafat; immorality, adultery, pornography, porno-action, liquor, drugs and gambling; arts and cultural performances and attractions that conflict with Islamic principles.

Based on Crescent Rating (at 130):

  1. Halal food
  2. Prayer facilities
  3. Bathroom with water for ablution
  4. Services during Ramadan
  5. Inclusion of non-halal labels (if there are foods that are not halal)
  6. Private recreational facilities (not mixed freely)

Based on the Global Muslim Travel Index (GMTI):

  1. Family-friendly destination
  2. Services and facilities in Muslim-friendly destinations
  3. Halal awareness and destination marketing
  4. Public safety for Muslim tourists
  5. The number of Muslim tourist arrivals is quite crowded
  6. Choice of food and halal guarantee
  7. Easy and good access to worship
  8. Facilities at the airport that are Muslim friendly
  9. Adequate accommodation options
  10. Ease of communication
  11. Reach and awareness of the needs of Muslim tourists
  12. Air transportation connectivity


Object:nature, culture, heritage, culinary Object:nature, culture, heritage, culinary 
Purpose:Entertaining Purpose:Increase spirituality by entertaining 
Target:Touching satisfaction and pleasure with the dimension of lust, solely for entertainment Targets:Fulfill desires and pleasures and foster religious awareness 
Tour Guide:Understand and master information so that it can attract tourists to attractions Tour Guide:Make tourists interested in objects while awakening the religious spirit of tourists. Able to explain the function and role of sharia in the form of happiness and inner satisfaction in human life 
Worship Facilities:As a tourist complementWorship Facilities:Being an integral part of tourism objects, worship rituals are part of the entertainment package 
Culinary:General Culinary:Specifics that are halal certified 
Interaction with the Community:Complementary and only for material gain Interaction with the Community:Integrated, interactions based on sharia principles 
Travel Agenda:Every time Travel Agenda:Pay attention to time (prayer)

Source: Ngatawi Al Zaztrow in Aan Jaelani, 2017

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