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  • Penetrating the World Halal Market with MUI Halal Decree

Industry players whose halal certification from LPPOM MUI, not only obtain Halal Certificates, but also get added value to compete in the global market. The opportunity to be accepted in the global market is high because LPPOM MUI has obtained SNI ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 and has a total scope of accreditation of 15 categories based on the UAE standard 2055: 2-2016.

“With the complete accreditation of the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) scheme, our national products can more easily penetrate the world halal market, especially the UAE as the halal hub in the Middle East,” explained Ir. Sumunar Jati, M.Si, Operations Director of LPPOM MUI.

H. Zainut Tauhid Sa’adi, M.Sc., Deputy Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia said that the world’s halal potential is enormous, many countries in the world have implemented halal standards for the production of their products, both in the goods and services sectors. As a country with the largest Muslim majority population in the world, Indonesia should be able to take a large enough niche in the world halal market, at least to meet domestic needs.

“Quality is no stranger to the global world. With the halal label, product quality is guaranteed safe and environmentally friendly. Meanwhile, for business actors, the halal label is an asset,” said Zainut.

Halal certification through LPPOM MUI can be one solution to make it easier for industry players to market their products in the global arena. Products that have obtained a halal certificate are arguably superior to other products. This means that a product is in accordance with the criteria for the halal assurance system required by the LPPOM MUI.

LPPOM MUI received SNI ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 Accreditation, What Are the Benefits?

LPPOM MUI is the first and only Halal Certification Body (LSH) in Indonesia to have obtained the SNI ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 accreditation certificate from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN), the ISO Accreditation Certificate was submitted by the chairman of KAN, Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Prasetya, M.Sc to the Director of LPPOM MUI, Dr. Ir. Lukmanul Hakim, M.Si on January 31, 2018 in Jakarta. 

By obtaining the SNI ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 certificate, it proves that LPPOM MUI can run a certification body according to international standards. Products that are certified by the LPPOM MUI can also be accepted into countries with the same standard reference, for example the UAE. So, for products that have been certified by the MUI LPPOM, there will be convenience for export to enter the Middle East and OIC (Islamic Cooperation Organization) countries.

The SNI ISO / IEC 17065: 2012 certificate is an assessment of the conformity of the accreditation requirements of a product, goods and service certification body to ensure that a certification body implements a third-party certification system consistently. The standard is used as a reference for accreditation bodies in requiring the operation of certification bodies for products, processes and services. (YN)

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