Tanjung Selor. The name of this area may not have been popular in the community, especially those living outside Kalimantan. Understandably, this city is a district located at the end of the island of Borneo, The Bulungan Regency, North Borneo.

However, since being established as the Capital of the Province of North Borneo in October 2012, in line with the division of the region from East Borneo, the name Tanjung Selor has gradually become popular. 

Unfortunately, supporting facilities, including halal cuisine, are inadequate. We need serious handling so that this area becomes a national tourist destination.

Regarding culinary, tourists advised being careful choosing processed foods in this area. It is better to avoid foods that are not halal clear. Here, we can choose grilled fish and the like that are widely available.

Even safer, it recommended bringing food from Tarakan, which has several halal-certified restaurants and food stalls. In this city, visitors can buy fast food, or typical cuisine of Tarakan City, which is a very famous soft-shelled crab and has been certified MUI halal.

Regarding the absence of MUI halal-certified products in Tanjung Selor, apart from the fact that there are no large restaurants or processed food producers, so far, the management of halal certificates is still handled by LPPOM MUI East Kalimantan. Imagine how much it would cost a small entrepreneur to take care of halal certification from Tanjung Selor to Balikpapan.

“After the North Borneo LPPOM MUI was formed and is located in Tanjung Selor, Insya Allah, halal certification services in this area can be more efficient,” said Director of North Borneo LPPOM MUI, Ir. Elang Buana.

Tanjung Selor does not yet provide many tourist facilities like in big cities. Not only shopping centers but minimarkets can also only count on fingers. For hotels and inns, although there are still not too many visitors can even get a comfortable lodging, as long as you book well in advance.

The Governor of North Borneo, Irianto Lambrie, admitted that the region still had to improve. “As a new province, North Borneo needs serious handling from various parties. Including the development of infrastructure to support tourism in the area, “he said.

Even so, Tanjung Selor presents many tourist attractions that are a pity to miss. Some of them are the grave complex of the Bulungan kings, the Taman Sajau hot spring, Sianak waterfall, Selimau Park, Nunukan Islamic Center, and Tepian Park. These places have their charm, as long as they are managed and developed appropriately. (*)

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