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  • Easy Solution for Halal Certification for MSEs

Anyone can certify halal products, including Micro and Small Business (MSE) actors. There are many conveniences that can be obtained, ranging from financing, halal education, to the implementation of the halal certification process. Even so, there are still many MSEs that experience various obstacles. So that the halal certification process is hampered.

According to the Deputy Director of the Institute for the Study of Food, Medicines, and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI), Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si., there are six problems commonly faced by MSEs in halal certification. This was conveyed in a webinar building consumer trust with Halal Certification as readiness to enter the market 4.0 organized by Belanjaukm.com some time ago.

The low understanding of halal and haram, halal certification, and policies/regulations are problems that are often encountered among MSE actors. Therefore, it is necessary to have socialization, coaching and even prior assistance. This can be done by related agencies, the Center for Halal Studies of Higher Education, Islamic Mass Organizations, and so on.

In addition to coaching, MSEs can take part in training and webinars organized by LPPOM MUI. The information can be accessed on social media @halalindonesia. Business actors can also access various information related to halal certification procedures and requirements on the www.halalmui.org page.

The basic knowledge of MSEs related to the importance of meeting the requirements of the Halal Assurance System (SJH) so that products can be declared halal is still lacking. In addition, the consistency of production and quality of MSEs is still lacking so that the implementation of SJH is not fully carried out.

Most MSEs also find it difficult to get information about the halalness of the materials used because they buy materials in small quantities so they are prone to fraud. It needs cooperation through associations, cooperatives, and so on.

"Through associations or communities, business actors can buy in large quantities and then use them by business actors who are members of the association. Similarly, meat grinders also have a high halal critical point," explained Muti.

If business actors use public mills, it will be difficult to ascertain what meat has been ground, making it vulnerable to pollution. Meanwhile, if you use a joint meat mill, the meat that uses the mill also comes from the same association.

Regarding halal certification financing, there are still many MSE business actors who object to this. However, according to the Head of MSMEs in the Food and Beverage Sector of Bekasi City Afif Ridwan in different activities, currently there are many halal certification financing facilities from the central government.

This is channeled through the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia, BPOM, or the Ministry of Religious Affairs. For provincial or municipal scales, it is usually organized by agencies. In fact, business actors will also receive counseling related to the halal certification process.

"However, sometimes MSEs lack information to access halal certification facilities. Therefore, it is important for business actors to be proactive in seeking information. One of them is by joining the community of business actors," he said.

What is also important is the need for education about the use of the Cerol-SS2300 online halal certification application for MSE business actors. Communities or associations can invite speakers to provide explanations or training related to this matter. (YN)

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