
Logistics Services Must Have Halal Certification; 48 Companies Have Obtained Halal Decrees

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  • Logistics Services Must Have Halal Certification; 48 Companies Have Obtained Halal Decrees

Logistics is crucial because it is part of the supply chain for halal products. This means that a product must be guaranteed to be halal during the packaging, storage and distribution period so that it is not damaged when it reaches the consumer—the President Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, MSi., conveyed this in the event Launching of Halal Logistics in Inticorp Logistics Group organized by PT. Intitrans Bintang Utama on March 02, 2023 at Hotel Santika, Jakarta.

The government has enacted Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantees (UU JPH). This regulation states that products that enter, circulate and trade in the territory of Indonesia must be halal certified, including the scope of services. Halal certificates for the services referred to are also contained in Government Regulation (PP) 39 of 2021 in Article 135, covering business services related to slaughter, processing, storage, packaging, distribution, sales and presentation.

“Halal logistics is the process of handling the flow of materials or products through the supply chain following halal standards so that they are free from impurities that can contaminate halal materials/products. The scope includes storage, distribution and packaging,” explained Muti.

Halal certification for logistics services guarantees that halal products are maintained as halal during transportation, storage and distribution. According to Muti, with halal certification in logistics, the traceability of distribution channels, transportation and storage can be easily and appropriately managed by business actors.

Even so, Muti realizes that there are still many challenges facing logistics services in halal certification. As of January 2023, 48 logistics companies have obtained Halal Certification (KH) through strict inspection from LPPOM MUI. The logistics service company includes packaging, storage and distribution services.

“In the halal certification of logistics services there are still some challenges that hinder the implementation of halal certification in logistics services, such as a lack of information regarding the mandatory halal logistics certification, lack of knowledge of the requirements for halal certification, and the use of third-party services such as truck service providers which makes it difficult to ensure the fulfilment of the halal requirements.,” explained Muti.

Currently, LPPOM MUI provides a platform that is easy for consumers (business actors and the public) to use to check logistics services that already have a halal certificate. You can review the halal product through the website or the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded on the Google Playstore. (ZUL)

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