KH. Abdusshomad Buchori

Chairman of MUI East Java 2015-2020

Educator of Darusyifa Islamic Boarding School, Sidoarjo, East Java

A person with religious insight feels that Allah Almighty is always watching him. In addition, a Muslim must also love his country and try and be willing to fight for the survival and existence of his nation.

A Muslim must have a spirit of struggle whose manifestation is manifested in every movement of his life to exalt the word of Allah (li-I’laa’i Kalimatillah) based on a sincere intention solely for the sake of Allah. In this way, they have achieved a very high level of istiqamah, namely having a firm, consistent, steady, and unwavering stance to fight for the establishment of aqidah and Islamic law, especially in the beloved country of Indonesia.

A person with religious insight feels that Allah Almighty is always watching him. In addition, a Muslim must also love his country and try and be willing to fight for the survival and existence of his nation, even though his government has weaknesses.

This weakness needs to be acknowledged as a call for responsibility for the new generation to improve it. Today must be better than yesterday, and tomorrow must be better than today. Otherwise, what happens is a loss and setback.

As citizens and generations of the nation, we need to properly understand and implement Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution to become the basis for us to orient the welfare of the people, both physical and spiritual well-being. Especially for someone who gets a mandate as a leader in a work unit, whether as a leader of the executive, legislative, judicial, organizational, or institutional.

Therefore, when compiling a program or development plan, sectors related to welfare, including environmental issues, health, education, poverty alleviation, and religion, should receive special attention.

An example is regarding the environment. The environment can define as the totality (whole) of objects, power, and life, including humans and their behavior. It affects the survival and well-being of other living bodies (organisms).

All creatures that exist in a living environment have a relationship (interconnected), or in other words, there is a symbiotic relationship (symbiotic) in meeting each other’s needs will create an order with the law of equilibrium (equilibrium).

In this case, Allah says in the Qur’an, Q.S Shaad (38) verse 27. It means, “And We did not create the heaven and the earth and that between them aimlessly. That is the assumption of those who disbelieve, so woe to those who disbelieve from the Fire.” (Q.S. Shaad: 27)

This verse provides a lesson. According to the ecology, indeed, there is no useless creature created by Allah. The life of creatures, both plants, animals, and humans, are interrelated in one environmental order.

In short, if there is an excellent disturbance to one element (type of creature) in an environment, for example, due to human actions/activities or natural disasters, there will also be disruption to the overall sustainability of the domain (ecosystem). (Compiled from Bunga Rampai Kajian Islam).

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