By: Dr.K.H. Abdur Rahman Dahlan, MA.

(Chairman of PB Al-Wasliyah, Member of the MUI Fatwa Commission)

Ramadan is a precious gift of God. It is a month studded with Fadhilah (virtue) and blessing (Syahrul-mubarok). It is also a Mahathah (terminal) check point to increase faith, piety and provision of world and hereafter deeds, by performing Shaum worship, fasting and Qiyamur-Ramadan efforts, living Ramadhan days with acts of worship blessed by Allah, following the example of Rasulullah SAW. It is stated in the Prophet’s hadith with the meaning: “Ramadan has come to you. A blessed month. God is recommending you fast this month. In this month (too) the gates of heaven are opened, the gates of Jahim (hell) are closed, and the demons are shackled. In this month there is one night which is better than a thousand months. Whoever does not get his goodness, he will be prevented from that goodness.” (Narrated by An-Nasai).

We certainly really want freedom from hell by observing Amaliyah Ramadan, as stated in the Hadith of the Prophet, “Whoever fasts in the month of Ramadan with full faith and sincerity, then his sins will undoubtedly be forgiven (Allah).” (Narrated by Bukhari). Also want that the deeds of worship be accepted by God and removed all sins. Then of course there must be provisions prepared. Notice that God says, “And if they want to depart, surely they will prepare for the departure, but Allah does not like their departure, so Allah weakens their desires. and said to them: “Stay with the people who live.” (Q.S. 9: 46).

Obviously, we cannot guarantee whether it will reach the upcoming Ramadan, or not. Even if it gets to the month of Ramadan later, there is also no guarantee that we can achieve the virtues of Ramadan. Therefore, in the remaining days leading up to Ramadan now, the hope to be met with Ramadan must always accompany our prayers. Including what we must ask with full prayer is the strength, convenience, and taufiq from Him to fill Ramadan with various worship, pious deeds, and obedience to God. Because not a few people who seem to wait and miss  Ramadan, but when the glorious moon has come true, but he did not benefit at all from the holy month. He cannot use it to worship optimally.

A leader of the Salaf cleric, Imam Abu Bakr Az-Zur’i, explained two cases that we must be aware of. One of them is the obligation has come but we are not ready to carry it out. That unpreparedness can be considered as a form of disparaging the commands of Allah, na’udzubillah. The consequence is undoubtedly very large, namely the weakness to carry out these obligations and be hindered from His pleasure. Both of these effects are punishments for unpreparedness in carrying out the obligations that have appeared in plain sight. [Badai’ul ‘Fawaid 3/699].

Then Abu Bakr Az-Zur’i cited the word of God which means quoted above (Q.S. 9: 46). Then meditate on the verse well. Know, God does not like their departure to fight, and He weakens them, because there is no preparation, also because their intentions are not straight anymore. However, if a person makes preparations with full sincerity, to fulfill a charity and he rises before God with a willing heart, then God is too noble to reject a servant who comes before Him. Be careful of experiencing the fate of being unworthy of carrying out God’s blessed commands, because, often following the passions, will cause a sentence in the form of the closed heart of guidance.

Therefore the arrival of the holy month is necessary and must be welcomed with serious preparation. Thus, the dishonesty of those who did not prepare their provisions to go out welcomed them. In the above verse they are punished with various forms of weakness and humiliation due to their reluctance to make preparations.

Welcoming and welcoming the month of Ramadan, including praying more, asking God to be blessed with long life to meet the blessed month. Salaf scholars had requested to be met with the month of Ramadan since six months before: “Allahumma barik lana fi Rajaba wa Sya’bana, wa ballighna Ra-madhan; O Allah, bless us in the month of Rajab and Sya’ban, and let us (age) go to the month of Ramadan “, is one of the famous prayers of pious salafus, and we need to recite it all the time.

As a form of preparatory charity to welcome Ramadan, among them, the Messenger of Allah is multiplying fasting in the Sya’ban month. Of course, after paying the fasting debt (Qodho Fasting) last year, if there is a fasting obligation that has not been fulfilled due to shariah constraints. It is mentioned in the hadith which is narrated from ‘Aisha,” I have never seen the Prophet sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam fasting perfectly a whole month apart from the month of Ramadan. Nor have I ever seen him fasting more than fasting in the Sya’ban month. ” (Narrated by Bukhari no. 1969 and Muslim no. 1156).

He did not appear to be fasting more in a month than his fast in the Sya’ban month, and he did not complete fasting for a whole month except in the month of Ramadan. This golden generation of the Ummah, the Salafush Salih generation, they always prepare themselves to welcome Ramadan as well as possible. Some Salaf scholars say, “They (Companions) prayed to Allah for 6 months so they could meet the month of Ramadan.” [Lathaaiful Ma’arif p. 232]

In order for fruit to be picked during Ramadan, there must be seed that is sown, and water must be drained to produce lush fruit. Fasting, qiyamullail, giving alms, and various good deeds in the month of Rajab and Sya’ban, all of which are for planting good deeds in the month of Rajab and irrigated in the month of Sya’ban. The goal is that we can harvest the delicious fasting and do good deeds in the holy month. Because the delicious Ramadan can only be felt with patience, struggle, and not just come. The days of Ramadan are not many, the journey of those days is so fast. Therefore, it must be prepared as well as possible. (USM)

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