
Organizing Auditor Training, LPPOM Central Java Ready to Face Challenges

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Selenggarakan Pengayaan Auditor, LPPOM Jawa Tengah Siap Hadapi Tantangan

Auditors have an essential role in the halal certification process. Therefore, The Halal Inspection Body of The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics (LPH LPPOM) Central Java continues to improve the competence of its auditors, one of which is through the halal auditor enrichment program. This is a form of LPH LPPOM’s readiness to face future challenges.

Auditors have an essential role in the halal certification process. Therefore, The Halal Inspection Body of The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics (LPH LPPOM) Central Java continues to improve the competence of its auditors, one of which is through the halal auditor enrichment program. This is a form of LPH LPPOM’s readiness to face future challenges.

To improve the competence of halal auditors while strengthening relations between members, the Halal Inspection Body (LPH) LPPOM Central Java held a face-to-face Halal Auditor Enrichment activity. The event lasted for two days, Saturday to Sunday, January 18-19, 2025, at The Wujil Resort and Convention, Semarang Regency.

This activity will provide updated information on halal regulations and prepare auditors to face certification challenges in the coming year. Director of LPH LPPOM Central Java, Prof. Dr. H. Ahmad Rofiq, MA, in his speech, emphasized the importance of adapting to regulatory changes.

“2025 will be a big challenge for LPH LPPOM Central Java, especially related to the dynamics of halal regulations implemented by the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH). We are committed to continuing to provide the best service and improving the quality of service to business actors,” said Prof. Rofiq.

The activity, attended by 40 halal auditors from LPH LPPOM Central Java, was filled with various valuable activities. On the first day, participants received material from five internal LPH LPPOM Central Java speakers who discussed the latest halal certification regulations.

One of the speakers, Muhammad Shofa M, SHI, MH, said that his institution is committed to providing optimal service. “Business actors can obtain halal certificates easily, quickly, and accurately. This is part of our efforts to provide better services,” he explained.

The second day of the activity was filled with outdoor activities in the form of fun games designed to increase the enthusiasm and togetherness of the halal auditors. This activity is to strengthen the cooperation of the LPH LPPOM Central Java team in facing future challenges.

On this occasion, LPH LPPOM Central Java also gave awards to auditors for their best performance. This award is expected to motivate all auditors to continue to improve their competence. In his remarks, Prof. Rofiq also emphasized the importance of halal auditors in the certification process.

“Halal auditors are responsible for checking materials, production facilities, and implementing the Halal Product Assurance System (SJPH). This role is crucial in ensuring the halalness of products,” he said.

As proof of LPH LPPOM Central Java’s commitment to supporting the development of auditor professionalism, all auditors in this institution have obtained a Halal Auditor Professional Work Competency Certificate from the National Professional Certification Agency (BNSP). This step confirms that LPH LPPOM Central Java auditors have nationally recognized competency standards.

The dynamic Halal Product Assurance (JPH) regulation requires institutions such as LPPOM to continue to adapt and innovate. Realizing this challenge, LPH LPPOM Central Java continues to develop the best programs and services to provide halal education and certification in accordance with the needs of the community and business actors. “We hope this activity will provide blessings and new enthusiasm for all auditors in providing the best service to the community,” concluded Prof. Rofiq.

LPH LPPOM Central Java shows its readiness to face 2025 with this activity. Through competency updates, team cohesion, and service innovation, LPH LPPOM Central Java is optimistic that it can continue to play a role as a professional and trusted halal inspection institution.

As proof of this commitment, LPPOM always opens a discussion space for every business actor who wants to carry out halal certification of their products through the Customer Care service at Call Center 14056 or WhatsApp 0811-1148-696. Good luck! (YN)