
LPPOM MUI Wins Corporate Secretary Champions 2023

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  • LPPOM MUI Wins Corporate Secretary Champions 2023

The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) won the 2023 Corporate Secretary Champions. The event itself was organized by Swasembada Media Bisnis on March 30, 2023, online.

LPPOM MUI Corporate Secretary, Raafqi Ranasasmita, expressed his gratitude for the appreciation given by the organizers to LPPOM MUI. According to him, the Corporate Secretary of LPPOM MUI always gives their best to encourage LPPOM MUI in compliance, media relations, government relations, corporate social responsibility, and media & public relations.

“We realize there are still many things that the Corporate Secretary of LPPOM MUI can improve to increase branding and public awareness of LPPOM MUI. Therefore, we will continue to learn to increase our capacity in this regard,” explained Raafqi.

SWA Media’s Group Chief Editor, Kemal E. Ghani, explained that open and private companies could participate in the Corporate Secretary Champions 2023 event. This competition aims to get best practices in Corporate Secretary (Corsec) management, which have been implemented in many companies so that they become role models for other companies.

“Congratulations on the achievement of Corsec LPPOM MUI. This is awesome. He expressed his appreciation for the excellent performance of Corsec LPPOM MUI. Even though it is not a public company, LPPOM MUI has a reliable Corsec team that can establish good interactions with all its stakeholders. Hopefully, this award can spur LPPOM MUI to continue improving the performance of the LPPOM MUI Corporate Secretary,” he said.

Corsec’s position continued that Kemal was essential. Therefore, in a public company, a Corsec division is mandatory. This is regulated in the Financial Services Authority (OJK) Regulation No. 35/POJK.04/2014, dated December 8 2014, concerning Corporate Secretary of Issuers or Public Companies. This obligation is also strengthened by the Decree of the Board of Directors of PT Bursa Efek Indonesia No. Kep-00001/BEI/01- 2014, dated January 20 2014, concerning Amendment to Regulation No.IA concerning Registration of Shares and Equity Securities Other Than Shares Issued by Listed Companies. (YN)

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