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  • LPPOM MUI – HSC IPB Held Halal Slaughter Training for Sacrificial Animals in the Midst of FMD Outbreak

The Institute for the Study of Food, Medicines, and Cosmetics of the Indonesian Ulema Council (LPPOM MUI) in collaboration with the Halal Science Center (HSC) of IPB University held a hybrid Training on Handling and Slaughtering Halal Sacrificial Animals in the Midst of An Outbreak of Mouth and Nail Disease (PMK) on Tuesday, June 28, 2022.

Head of HSC IPB University Center as well as Coordinator of LPPOM MUI Experts, Prof. Khaswar Syamsu, PhD explained that this activity was held in order to provide education to the public regarding how to slaughter sacrificial animals according to standards and in accordance with Shari'a.

"This is very important to be socialized, because in reality on the ground there are still inappropriate slaughters. With this training, it is hoped that it can provide good enlightenment regarding the slaughter of sacrificial animals according to the sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. One of them applies ihsan to sacrificial animals," Khaswar continued.

In his remarks, the President Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si appreciated HSC IPB for consistently organizing this activity every year. Especially this year, special knowledge of FMD outbreaks is needed so that the disease does not continue to develop, so that it is safe for consumption by the public.

"LPPOM MUI is not only centered on the halal certification process. We also have a halal education program to the community. This is because the implementation of halal certification obligations that have been regulated by law will run well if carried out with full awareness and adequate knowledge by the community and business actors," he said.

Muti also emphasized that adequate knowledge is the first step, so that in the end the community can participate in supervising the implementation of the slaughter of sacrificial animals in the community.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Head of LPPM IPB for Community Service, Dr. Sofyan Sjaf, M.Si., said that this activity was a form of quick response to a growing issue, namely the spread of the Oral and Skin Disease (FMD) outbreak.

"This activity is a form of IPB's service to the community to contribute to informing related to the halal handling of sacrificial animals, and avoiding FMD outbreaks," he continued.

He hopes that this activity can be useful for the community in the implementation of the slaughter of sacrificial animals that are good, healthy and in accordance with Shari'a and avoid fmd outbreaks.

In this training event, various materials related to the good handling of sacrificial animals were presented, including: handling sacrificial animals before and during slaughter, as well as handling meat after slaughter in the midst of the FMD outbreak, which was conveyed by the Lecturer of SKHB IPB, drh. Supratikno, M.Si., PAVet.

From the sharia side, the material was delivered by the Secretary of the MUI Fatwa Commission regarding sacrificial worship and the discussion of MUI Fatwa No. 32 of 2022 concerning Laws and Guidelines for the Implementation of Qurban Worship During the FMD Outbreak. No less important, material related to the procedures for selecting sacrificial animals and calculating meat / carcasses was also delivered by the Lecturer of FAPET IPB Lecturer, Edit Lesa Aditia, Spt., Msc. (YS/YN)

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