The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPPOM MUI) has implemented a halal certification system for a product. This system is known as the Halal Assurance System (HAS).

Executive Director of LPPOM MUI Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si. explained that HAS is an integrated management system that is prepared, implemented and maintained to regulate materials, production processes, products, human resources, and procedures in order to maintain the continuity of the halal production process in accordance with the requirements of LPPOM MUI.

“One of the keys to the success of halal certification is that business actors understand the ins and outs of HAS. If you already understand, then business actors will easily prepare a list of ingredients and all ingredients used are guaranteed halal. Meanwhile, from the consumer side, HAS is important to convince the public that products are consistently halal during the validity period of the halal certificate, so that they can provide peace when consuming halal products” explained Muti.

There are 11 HAS criteria that are covered in HAS23000. All these criteria must be met by companies wishing to obtain a halal certificate for their products. The following are 11 HAS criteria. Let’s review them one by one.

First, the halal policy. This is a written commitment to consistently produce halal products. Halal policy must be established and disseminated to interested parties.

Second, forming a halal management team to be responsible for planning, implementing, evaluating and improving the company’s halal assurance system.

Third, businesses must attend training increased knowledge, skills and attitude to achieve the desired level of competence.

Fourth, related to materials including raw materials, additives, processing aids, packaging, lubricants /greases, sanitizers and cleaning materials, as well as media for validating washing results.

Fifth, production facilities which include buildings, rooms, main machinery and equipment as well as supporting equipment used to produce products. 

Sixth, products that are registered can be in the form of retail, non-retail, final or products intermediate. Product naming must be in accordance with sharia. In addition, the characteristics/sensory profile of the product must not have a tendency to smell or taste that leads to haram products. The form of the product must not use the form of the product, the form of the packaging or the label that depicts erotic, vulgar, or pornographic characteristics.

Seventh, written procedures for critical activities that can affect the halal status of the product. In general, critical activities include the use of new materials for certified products, purchase of materials, formulation and product development, inspection of incoming materials, production, washing of production facilities, storage of materials and products, transportation of materials and products. 

Eighth, the company must have a written procedure that guarantees the traceability of a certified product that guarantees that the product can be traced as originating from materials approved by LPPOM MUI and produced in facilities that meet the facility criteria.

Ninth, the company must have a written procedure for handling products that do not meet the criteria which guarantees that products that do not meet the criteria are not reprocessed or downgraded and must be destroyed or not sold to consumers who need halal products. If the product has already been sold, the product must be withdrawn.

Tenth, the company must conduct internal audits at least twice a year. If a weakness is found (the criteria are not met) in internal audit, the company must identify the root cause and make improvements.

Eleventh, the company must conduct a management review at least once a year.

(Also read: Complete Halal Assurance System Criteria)

In addition to audits according to the HAS criteria (HAS 23000), LPPOM MUI will also pay attention to the safety aspects of food, medicine and cosmetics in accordance with applicable regulations in Indonesia. Especially for products that will be marketed to the UAE and will be claimed to be halal, the auditor will check the fulfilment of the implementation of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) during the audit. (YN)

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