
LPPOM MUI Laboratory Encourages Implementation of UU JPH

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Laboratories have an essential role in halal certification, can assure audit results and add value to the resulting halal certification—President Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, MSi., conveyed this in a seminar entitled “Molecular Testing in Halal Product Assurance System” held by LPPOM MUI in the LPPOM MUI Laboratory Webinar Series on 23 February 2023.

The government has enacted Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Guarantees for Halal Products (UU JPH). This regulation states that products that enter, circulate and trade in the territory of Indonesia must be halal certified. To encourage this, LPPOM MUI has actively contributed to the service of the halal certification process, including the provision of scientific data to ensure the integrity of the results of the halal certification.

“As a pioneer of halal laboratories in Indonesia, LPPOM MUI consistently provides halal testing services and develops halal test methods. Testing is one of the guarantees from business actors to ensure no contamination of raw materials, products and facilities,” explained Muti. Since 2016, LPPOM MUI has received accreditation recognition from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) SNI ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 for “International Testing Laboratory”.

In the process of halal certification, according to Muti, several product categories require the fulfilment of scientific data from laboratory tests to ensure products do not use haram/unclean goods, which are prohibited in Islam. There is no mixture of contamination between halal and unclean materials or products.

Tracing the halal status of materials is based on the adequacy of supporting documents on the halalness of laboratory test materials. Even though it is not the primary determinant of halal or haram products, the results of laboratory tests are still the data to support decisions in fatwa commission meetings.

“Like enzymes in a production process that come into contact. Even though ingredients are not included, it still needs to be ensured that they are halal, and washing validation must also be ensured that they are free from contamination of illicit goods. Not all ingredients need to be lab tested; some need supporting documents,” explained Muti.

For example, gelatin must be tested with a material halal certificate and mass balance calculations in a laboratory. At the same time, mineral materials are one example that does not require laboratory testing. 

Another example is flavourings containing ethanol, which do not need to be tested in the laboratory with the requirement to have a halal certificate and to calculate the ethanol residue in the final beverage product. If it is close to 0.5%, it is necessary to carry out lab tests on the final beverage product.

The followings are some products and materials that need laboratory testing in compliance with the MUI Fatwa.

1. Processed meat products with pork-specific protein test.

2. Seasoning products that use animal ingredients with Pig DNA testing.

3. The tested restaurants/catering/kitchens are in the form of meat/processed ingredients and seasonings from animal ingredients that are repackaged/relabeled with the Pig Specific test or Pig DNA.

4. Animal-derived products (other than meat) with Pig DNA test.

5. Products of use from animals with Pig DNA testing or Species-Specific Structures on Skin.

6. Decorative cosmetics with water permeability test.

7. Beverage Products with ethanol test.

Currently, you can access all information related to LPPOM MUI laboratory testing through the website (ZUL)

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