Some time ago, the virtual world went viral, discussing one of the animals used as a cooking ingredient, labi-labi or bulus. Generally, labi-labi or bulus are known as soft-shelled turtles because they have a softer shell than turtles, making them safe to consume.
Labi-Labi is included in the reptile class of Dermochelys coriacea. Labi-labi or bulus are land animals that live in water and are not included in animals that live in two worlds (amphibians). Animals like soft-backed turtles are members of the Trionychidae family and breathe using their lungs.
In addition to being a raw material for various dishes, labi-labi are also hunted because their meat has medicinal properties and is an essential ingredient for cosmetics. Labi-labi oil is believed to be good for human skin health, as it makes facial skin smooth, reduces dark spots, and eliminates itching and body odour. Then, what is the law on eating softshell turtles or bulus?
Several scholars have different opinions regarding their permissibility because they can live in the sea and on land. Some scholars state that softshell turtles are halal because the Prophet Muhammad SAW has no hadith, saying that softshell turtles are forbidden to eat. If there is no prohibition, the law on eating softshell turtles in Islam is permissible.
The Malikiyah opinion in the book al-Muntaqa Syarh al-Muwaththa’ volume 2, page 247, quotes Imam Malik’s statement stating that turtles are animals that may be hunted by people in ihram because they are animals that are halal without being slaughtered. Turtles are a type of large fish. Meanwhile, according to Ibn Nafi’, turtles are animals that must be killed before being eaten, so people in ihram may not hunt them. Meanwhile, for land turtles (according to Imam Malik), it is not permissible for people in ihram to hunt them (book of al-Mabsuth).
The Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI) in MUI Fatwa No. 51 of 2019 concerning the Law of Consuming Soft-shelled Turtles or Bulus states that soft-shelled turtles, as referred to in the general provisions, are animals that are halal for consumption (ma’kul al-lahmi) on condition that they are slaughtered according to sharia.
Even so, wisdom is still needed when consuming them. Looking at a wider aspect, the status of soft-shelled turtles or bulus is currently classified as a rare animal in the international world. Soft-shelled turtles or bulus have been cultivated and included in one of the fishery commodities.
Learning from these provisions, the MUI also recommends three things. First, Muslims are advised to use this fatwa as a guideline for consuming food products. Second, authority holders are asked to use this fatwa as a guideline for halal certification for food, beverage, medicine, and cosmetic products. Thirdly, to maintain the softshell turtle ecosystem, the food industry that uses softshell turtles as industrial materials is expected to cultivate and breed them.
Based on this definition, the MUI has issued a fatwa that softshell turtles are animals that are halal for consumption on condition that they are slaughtered according to sharia. However, softshell turtles are designated as rare animals that must be protected.
Therefore, to maintain the softshell turtle or softshell turtle ecosystem, the food industry that uses softshell turtles or softshell turtles as food ingredients is expected to take them from cultivation/breeding. (ZUL)