
Here are 6 Things MSEs Must Prepare for Halal Certification

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  • Here are 6 Things MSEs Must Prepare for Halal Certification

There are three main stages in halal certification, namely preparation for halal certification, halal certification process, and post-halal certification. Preparation for halal certification is the key to the success of the next stage. Therefore, business actors must fully understand what things need to be prepared before carrying out the halal certification process.

This was conveyed by the Executive Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si in a virtual workshop entitled “The Importance of Halal Certification for Exports in Increasing the Competitiveness of Indonesian Export Products” some time ago.

(Also read: Increasing Competitiveness, Halal Certification is Important for Indonesian Export Products)

There are six things that business actors need to prepare, especially micro and small businesses (MSEs), in halal certification, namely: knowing access to information related to halal, understanding halal requirements, preparing halal materials, preparing halal production facilities, preparing a halal guarantee system, and costs.

“All of them require support and cooperation from various parties, both from the seriousness of the business actors themselves, we as halal inspection agencies (LPH), community organizations/universities, and the government,” explained Muti.

First, to find out access to information related to halal, you can create associations / associations with fellow MSEs based on the type of product or production location. For example, for meatball business actors who need meat milling. If business actors use public mills, it will be difficult to ascertain what meat has been ground, making it vulnerable to pollution.

“Meanwhile, if you use a joint meat mill, the meat that uses the mill also comes from the same association. So that the source of meat is easy to trace and ensure its halalness,” explained Muti further.

Second, understanding halal requirements is carried out through training and assistance by csos / universities, halal activist communities, and so on. In this case, the Acting (Plt.) Head of the Halal Product Assurance Organizing Agency (BPJPH), Dr. Mastuki, M.Ag claimed that his party would ensure that business actors get assistance from mass organizations, Islamic religious institutions, and the government (BPJPH).

Third, in preparing halal ingredients, there are three things that need to be considered, including:

  1. Choose materials that have been halal certified (see logo / check through the MUI Halal website or application), for those who are halal certified from abroad, you can ask for a copy of the certificate from the supplier / seller and make sure the issuing institution is included in the MUI recognized. A list of recognized institutions can be seen here.
  2. Procurement of halal materials through associations or cooperatives for their halal traceability.
  3. It needs government support in terms of guaranteeing the halalness of critical ingredients, such as meat, products containing animal derivatives, imported products including means of production and supervision of their distribution.

Fourth, business actors must prepare halal production facilities. This means that product facilities should only be used for these products or used in conjunction with products that are also halal marked with MUI halal certificates.

Fifth, prepare a Halal Assurance System (SJH) through training and assistance. This can also be assisted by halal study centers of mass organizations / universities, halal activist communities, and so on.

Sixth, it is related to financing. Financing information can be obtained through associations/associations through the Pembina service channel. At another event, the Head of UMK for Food and Beverage Sector of Bekasi City, Afif Ridwan asked that UMK actors could carry out halal certification of their products. He said that currently almost all local governments have a UMK halal certification program free of charge.

(Also read: Alternatives to Halal Certification Financing)

“For MSEs, there are already many facilities from the central government through the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs, BPOM, or the Ministry of Religious Affairs. For provincial or municipal scales, it is usually organized by agencies. In fact, business actors will also receive counseling related to the halal certification process,” explained Afif. (YN)

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