
Having Several Halal Critical Points, Cosmetics Must Be Halal in 2026

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  • Having Several Halal Critical Points, Cosmetics Must Be Halal in 2026
Miliki Sejumlah Titik Kritis Halal, Kosmetik Wajib Halal 2026

Cosmetics are one of the products included in the halal certification obligation based on PP 42/2024. The Halal Inspection Body of The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics (LPH LPPOM) is ready to be the best partner for the cosmetics industry in fast and easy BPJPH halal certification. LPPOM in collaboration with PT Gondowangi held a free webinar to discuss the easy BPJPH halal certification process.

The government has enacted the latest regulation of Government Regulation (PP) No. 42 of 2024 concerning implementing the Halal Product Assurance (JPH) Sector. This obligation states that products entering, circulating, and trading in the territory of Indonesia must be halal certified by BPJPH, including imported products from abroad, including cosmetic products that enter the mandatory halal stage in 2026.

Halal Audit Quality Board of LPH LPPOM, Dr. Ir. Mulyorini Rahayuningsih Hilwan, M.Si., conveyed this in a webinar themed “Update on Halal Regulations and Identification of Halal Raw Materials for Cosmetic Products” held by LPH LPPOM in collaboration with PT Gondowangi on January 22, 2025.

The obligation for halal-certified products by the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH) has been enforced since October 17, 2024. In the first stage, this obligation applies to food and beverage products, as well as slaughter products and services. This also marks the beginning of the halal obligation in Indonesia as mandated by Act No. 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (UU JPH).

In the second stage, the obligation to be halal certified by BPJPH will also be enforced, including for cosmetic products, the stages of which will end on October 17, 2026. Mulyorini said that the need for halal certification for cosmetic products is also driven by the need for cosmetic industry business actors to comply with current regulations. Another strong push comes from consumers. Currently, consumer education and awareness of the use of halal cosmetics is increasing.

“Regarding the ingredients, cosmetics can be produced from various ingredients, including plants, animals, microbial products and humans. Plants are one of the ingredients that are often used in cosmetics. Plants are included in the list of non-critical ingredients (positive list),” explained Mulyorini.

Furthermore, plants go through various processes to become cosmetic products. This process requires other ingredients to be used, so it must be ensured that they are free from impurities or non-halal ingredients.

In addition to ingredients, cosmetics are also seen from their water-permeable properties. Currently, many cosmetics are created to be water-resistant or waterproof. This is to keep cosmetics durable when used so they do not fade. Of course, this needs to be considered so that cosmetics do not prevent body parts from being penetrated by water, which can make ablution invalid.

Meanwhile, according to the Coordinator of Internal Halal Auditor (KAHI) of PT Gondowangi, Metrizal Buchari, S.T., in ensuring the halalness of ingredients in cosmetic products, it is necessary to identify the category of ingredients, conduct routine material checks and check the halal document of the ingredients that are equipped with a halal certificate if there is none, it can be supported by a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), Certificate of Analysis (CoA) or a pork-free statement letter.

“In addition, there are several types of ingredients in cosmetics that have critical halal points, including raw materials, additives, processing aids, packaging, lubricants, sanitizers and validation media for washing results that come into contact with materials, facilities or products,” said Metrizal.

Currently, LPH LPPOM continues to encourage government efforts to realize mandatory halal cosmetics in various efforts, ranging from educating business actors and the community to several programs to facilitate business actors in carrying out BPJPH halal certification, of course for free. LPH LPPOM also provides a platform that makes it easy for consumers, both business actors and the public, to check products that have halal certificates.

You can check the halalness of the product through the website or the Halal MUI application, which can be downloaded on the Google Playstore, as well as the BPJPH website Business actors who have cosmetics and have not registered for halal certification immediately register and select LPH LPPOM to conduct halal checks to comply with the regulations set by the Indonesian government. The Halal Inspection Body of The Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPH LPPOM MUI) laboratory also offers ISO 17025 accredited testing, including the water penetration test for cosmetic products. (ZUL)