
Freedom to Choose Halal Products is a Form of Independence in Indonesia

Choosing halal products is a form of independence in Indonesia, which incidentally has a Muslim majority population. The government has also answered consumers’ concerns about halal products so far through the applicable legal rules. 

It has been 76 years since Indonesia’s independence. The momentum celebrated every year by the Indonesian people gives a passion for always fighting for the nation’s good and the welfare of its people. This condition is the same as the journey of halal products in Indonesia. The need for halal products stems from the outbreak of fat pork cases in Indonesia in 1988. 

This story emphasizes that choosing halal products is a form of independence in Indonesia, especially if you look at the population of Indonesia, which has a Muslim majority. 

The government has answered the concerns of consumers of halal products so far through the applicable legal rules. In particular, Act Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Assurance (JPH Act). Article 4 of the JPH Law states that every product entering Indonesia, circulates, and commerce must be certified halal.  

As of August 2021, data from the Halal Inspection Body for the Assessment Institute for Foods, Drugs and Cosmetics Indonesian Council of Ulama (LPH LPPOM MUI) states that only 249,032 halal products with 6,358 halal certificates from 4,755 companies spreading in Indonesia. 

The number accumulates 35 product categories from all business actors, ranging from micro-enterprises to giant companies. Executive Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si., is optimistic that this number will continue to grow along with the increasingly stringent government imposing mandatory halal regulations in Indonesia. 

“Certainly, the increase in halal products number cannot be separated from the role of consumers in Indonesia. With the higher consumer awareness in consuming halal products, the demand for halal products will also increase. That way, business actors will be encouraged to carry out halal certification,” he explained. 

As an LPH, LPPOM MUI continues to carry out its roles and functions well. To encourage the government’s efforts, LPPOM MUI is conducting several programs to accelerate the halal certification process to comply with the provisions of Government Regulation (PP) Number 39 of 2021 concerning the Implementation Time of Halal Certification.

In Articles 72 and 73, there are provisions for the halal certification process time for domestic business actors for 15 days with a tolerance period of 10 days (total: 25 days). Meanwhile, the halal certification process for foreign business actors takes 15 days with a tolerance of 15 days (days total: 30 days). 

“Certainly, we will never get tired of continuing to appeal to all Indonesian citizens, especially Muslims, to be smart and careful in choosing products. Let’s create our freedom, especially in choosing halal products in Indonesia. You can start by getting used to checking the halalness of the product before consumption,” said Muti.  

LPPOM MUI is the first Halal Inspection Agency (LPH) established by the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH). In addition, PPOM MUI is the first Halal Certification Agency (LSH) that has been accredited by SNI ISO/IEC 17065:2012 from the National Accreditation Committee (KAN) and recognized by overseas halal certification bodies, the Emirates Authority for Standardization and Metrology (ESMA). ) on UAE 2055:2-2016 standards.

Currently, checking halal products is effortless. LPPOM MUI provides halal product checking services through or HalalMUI application on Playstore. (YN). (YN)  

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