So glorious is the month of Ramadan, that it is a pity if the month is used only for laziness. In addition to being lazy to move, on the other hand, fasting is also often a place to consume various foods when iftar time comes. This habit continued for a month, even at its peak when it came time for Eid. A variety of delicious foods are available everywhere, and we feel free to enjoy them.  

Well, so that during fasting and entering Eid al-Fitr our body remains fit and healthy, then it’s a good idea to do some series of light exercise during fasting. Reporting from, here are some tips that can be done to do light exercise in the month of Ramadan.


The first sport to pay attention to is the time of doing sports. It is not recommended to do sports during fasting time. Exercise should not be done during fasting because during fasting the stomach is empty. The recommended time for exercise in the month of Ramadan is at the time after breaking the fast because after breaking the fast the body gets its energy back from food and drink. However, there are also those who think that the best time to do sports is at the time before breaking the fast.

According to doctor Saptawati Bardosono, exercise should be done 30-60 minutes before breaking the fast because it is close to mealtime. This seems to be legal depending on the fitness of each individual. There are people who are able to do sports while fasting and some who are not, depending on the habits of the person. The most important thing is that after doing sports, the body does not feel weak, dizzy, or even faint.

2.Types of Sports

Do the usual exercises. However, you should do it with mild to moderate intensity, such as walking, jogging, and cycling. It is advisable not to try a higher intensity of exercise than is usual because it is feared that the body will not be able to do it.

3.Maintain Food Intake

Food needed During Ramadan, the body is given two meals, namely at suhoor and iftar (maghrib time). The meal time in the month of Ramadan has changed somewhat compared to the usual day. In addition, the portion of the meal may also be subject to change. However, try to still eat the same amount of food, not excess, not lacking, and also eat a variety of foods that contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals to meet the needs of nutrients needed by the body.

Carbohydrates are the main energy for the body. Carbohydrates can restore blood glucose levels that decrease when fasting. Eating foods that contain complex carbohydrates and fiber (which have a low glycemic index) is necessary because it helps to release energy slowly so that the energy in the body does not run out quickly.

Eating foods that contain a low glycemic index during iftar aims to increase carbohydrate reserves, while eating foods that contain a high glycemic index, blood sugar levels will quickly increase but will run out quickly as well. Consume foods that contain high carbohydrates when breaking the fast to maximize muscle glycogen reserves, then consume foods that contain high protein and fat at dawn to slow down digestion so that the stomach does not empty quickly.

This is a strategy to reduce the feeling of hunger quickly during fasting and also maintain energy until exercise begins. In addition to carbohydrates, proteins are also indispensable for the body. Eat foods that are high in protein, such as fish, meat and eggs. Protein is a substance necessary for growth and also as a building agent. Protein helps restore and repair muscle cells damaged when exercising.

Maintaining this food intake is also important to pay attention to when it comes to Eid time. Don’t challenge that we don’t fast and then we “take revenge” by eating various foods as we like. Remember, excessive food is not very good for the body.

4.Drink More

Dehydration can occur during exercise, let alone done during hot weather. So to prevent this from happening, fluid intake into the body must be considered. The recommended fluid intake is 1.5-2 liters per day. In addition, it is also advisable to limit physical activity during the day to prevent dehydration. Doing exercise that sweats a lot during the day during fasting can cause dehydration because body fluids are lost through sweat.

5.Pay Attention to Rest and Time to Sleep

To keep the body in top shape during ramadan, sleep time must be sufficient. Adults need about 7-9 hours of sleep per day. Less sleep time can affect the body’s performance. Napping may sometimes be necessary to maintain a healthy body condition. (*)

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