
Does using sunscreen prevent the validity of ablution?

Benarkah Penggunaan Sunscreen Menghalangi Sahnya Berwudhu?


Assalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Every woman wants to look beautiful by applying makeup with various cosmetic polishes. So that the cosmetics used can stick perfectly and evenly to the surface of the face, sunscreen is usually also used as a foundation and to protect the skin from sun exposure.

As is known, there are many types of sunscreens on the market that offer their advantages. Some sunscreens are waterproof, and some are not waterproof. Waterproof sunscreen does not fade when exposed to water or sweat. Waterproof sunscreen is suitable for outdoor activities or activities in water, such as swimming, exercising, or activities on the beach.

Sunscreen that is not waterproof will easily fade when exposed to water or sweat. Therefore, this type of sunscreen is often used indoors that are not too hot and contain ingredients that are easily soluble in water.

In relation to this, please explain the use of the sunscreen above. To make it easier for us to perform ablution, what kind of sunscreen can we use? Is it true that the use of sunscreen can affect the validity of ablution?

That is our question. Thank you for your response and explanation.

Wassalamu’alaikum wr. wb.

Zahirah Maulida

Samarinda, East Kalimantan


Waalaikumsalam wr. wb.

Dear Mrs. Zahirah Maulida, thank you for your question and attention to the halalness of cosmetics used daily. For Muslims, the halal status of products consumed or used is very important, including the use of sunscreen.

Until now, not all products and types of sunscreen circulating in Indonesia have obtained halal certificates. Therefore, caution and precision in choosing sunscreen products that have been guaranteed halal need to be considered.

As we know, exposure to sunlight containing ultraviolet can cause various skin problems. For example, the skin becomes reddish and rough; premature ageing causes dull skin. To reduce the effects of sun exposure, we often use sunscreen that can protect and maintain the skin from the negative effects of sun exposure.

The halal or haram of sunscreen is determined by the ingredients used. The product must be free from Najis, both from the ingredients to the production facilities. To ensure this, the easiest way is to check the halal logo on the packaging. Checking halal products can also be done through the website, the Halal MUI application which can be downloaded on the Playstore, and the website of the Halal Product Assurance Agency (BPJPH).

Another point that is also very important is related to water permeability because it can affect the requirements for the validity of ablution. The scholars agree that one of the requirements for the validity of ablution is that water must touch all parts of the skin that must be washed with ablution water. This means that if cosmetics and sunscreen cover our face, then the cosmetics must be cleaned first so that the ablution water can wash the surface of the skin.

Cleaning cosmetics is usually done using various facial cleansers (cleansers), which is quite troublesome. Why? Because the sunscreen layer is quite thick and does not easily dissolve in water. The layer that is still left on the skin ends up preventing water from entering the skin. This is what makes our ablution invalid.

Alhamdulillah, cosmetic industry technology has produced a water-permeable sunscreen product. This type of sunscreen has a layer that is easily dissolved by water or can also be water-permeable. Even so, not all sunscreens that are easily dissolved or water-permeable can be called ablution-friendly. This is because the sunscreen ingredients may contain animal elements or other haram ingredients. So, to ensure its halalness, make sure that the product has a halal certificate.

The LPPOM MUI laboratory has so far conducted several tests on water-permeable cosmetics, in line with the requirements for valid ablution. Laboratory testing is needed to ensure that there are no barriers on the skin so that water can still wash body parts that must be exposed to ablution water for someone who uses cosmetics.

From these tests, there are now many halal and ablution-friendly sunscreens on the market. Once again, to avoid making the wrong choice, make sure that the cosmetics we are going to use are halal-certified. (***) This article is included in the LPPOM Halal Journal Edition 168, accessible at the link

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