
Discuss the Halal Requirements of Cosmetic Products in Indonesia, Let's Join This Webinar!

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  • Discuss the Halal Requirements of Cosmetic Products in Indonesia, Let's Join This Webinar!

Halal cosmetics are becoming a trend in Indonesia. The demand also continues to increase, not only domestically, but also on a global scale. In line with this, the government has issued a regulation that requires halal certification for products circulating in Indonesia, namely Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee. Especially for cosmetic products, the obligation for halal certification has been established since October 17 this year.

Regarding this issue, LPPOM MUI together with PT Pamerindo Indonesia will hold an international halal webinar with the theme "Get into Indonesia Cosmetics Market: Halal and Labeling Requirements". The event will be held on:

Day/Date : Thursday/December 2, 2021

Time : 10.00 – 12.00 (GMT +7)

President Director of LPPOM MUI, Ir. Muti Arintawati, M.Si will be present to give an opening speech in this event. Meanwhile, the webinar material will be delivered by various speakers from various institutions with interesting topics.

1. Dr.. Ir. Hj. Mulyorini R. Hilwan, M.Sc. (Advisor of Halal Audit Services LPPOM MUI)

Topic 1: Halal Certification Requirement for Cosmetics

2. Dra. Dwiana Andayani, Apt. (Director of Traditional Medicines, Health Supplements and Cosmetics Registration, BPOM RI)

Topic 2: Labeling Requirements for Cosmetic Products in Indonesia

3. Sancoyo Antarikso (General Chairperson of Perkosmi)

Topic 3: Success Story for The Fulfillment of Indonesia Regulation

To participate in this event, please register yourself at the following link:

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